[attachmentid=10558][attachmentid=10557][attachmentid=10556][attachmentid=10555]picked up my white prius yesterday....man....i LOVE this car!....i have driven 180 miles...averaging 51-52 (45 minute drives, steady pace)....no complaints!.... will customize it over the next 6 months..... question: i have the leather upgrade...seats, center console....should the door armrests be leather, too?....mine aren't, they are the micro-fiber...and the steering wheel?....just curious....i can't seem to find the exact details of the "leather upgrade".....thanks!.....SurfsidePrius [attachmentid=10555]
Sharp looking Prius you got there, SurfSide. Welcome to PriusChat. I'm loving the leather and the wood trim. Unfortunately, it looks as though they mounted the steering wheel upside down. You might want to get that looked at. :lol:
Hi Surfside, Congradulations! I got my new Prius on Friday also!!!! I'm loving it!!! It actually came in on Wednesday but I wasn't able to go pick it up until Friday. I've got about 161 miles on it so far (drove it off the lot with 6) and I am seeing the gas mileage go up as I drive along. The funny story is however that when I went to pick it up -- there were ants in the car. Oops. Turns out they had parked it in the grass when it came off the truck and due to the extreme heat last week in this area of the country last week -- looks like the little critters where trying to do whatever they could to survive including climbing into cars. Needless to say, the dealership had to take the car back in and reclean it. Enjoy! WMSmom
Welcome to PriusChat, SurfsidePrius! Great looking car. Your "Leather Upgrade" was done by the dealer or the regional Toyota organization. When you get leather from the factory the steering wheel is wrapped in leather too. I don't think either the center or armrests are covered from the factory, but I have a package 5 NL (No Leather). Package 6 has leather. Many people who wanted a leather wrapped steering wheel have purchased Wheelskin covers, available from the Prius Accessories link at the top of every page. Keep us updated on your mods...
Congrats on the car! Love the wood! You probably got a port-install leather... factory leather includes the door armrest, centre console and the steering wheel.