Antenna Topper Light Bulb...Parking Aid I like the antenna topper, and had them made to sell. They fit the antenna perfectly. :idea: I have sold about a dozen. I would like to put the items on Prius Chat, but my profit margin is VERY small. I think the charge to list would obliterate any profit. I can sell them for $4.99 each and ship multiple items at my cost. I got the idea originally for a parking aid, that I saw when I was stationed in Japan. I have several of these available. It is simply the antenna topper, mounted on a white fiberglas rod. The rod could easily be painted to match the color of the car. Paste in your browser This type of device is on almost every car in Japan, because parking is very *tight*.
I got my topper, but when I pushed it on I noticed that it wasn't a deep hole, and it took very little effort to pull it back off. Wind resistance at 70MPH is likely to remove it. I'm going to get some superglue for it before I try for a permanent install...
I don't drive with mine... put the topper on the radio antenna to find my car when I park or on the front antenna when I'm parked as well.. but thought that the topper was a tight fit.. Bob Andersen
Thanks for the feedback. I've driven about 900 miles with the Topper. I didn't use any glue, and it's still there. If you desire to glue it, I recommend silicone sealer which would be easier to remove if desired at a later date.