Hi: In a week or so, I'll be driving to the dealer to pick up my Prius. The dealer is in Moses Lake, about 140 miles east of Seattle, and the trip will involve crossing a 3000 foot mountain pass. My partner will be driving me over there and it's not likely that I'll have a chance to read much in the manual (in aviation, we call them "POH's", for "pilot's operating handbook") to get completely familiar with the car and any of its quirks. So, I'm asking those of you who've had to make maiden voyages under similar circumstances if there are any surprises I can expect other than relief that the process is, finally, over. Hopefully, I won't need to use chains, although I will have a new set with me. Should that become necessary, is there any trick to putting them on that might be different from a conventional car....like maybe laying on a rubber mat to keep from being electrocuted (joke)? Bob
Only thing I would recommend with chains it take the trim ring off before putting them or or it's likely to get scratched or cracked. The silver ring around the outside of the wheel is actually a trim ring, not part of the wheel.
Bob go to a gas station fill the tank grab a coffee and put it in D and take it home. there will be no suprises at all. The car has traction control and they do just fine in the slushy snow we get here on the west coast. If there is any on I90. You will love the trip and if you get electrocuted it'll be from a short circuit in the gas pump as your filling it up
Bob: Amen. Just drive that puppy home, wash it clean, wipe it down with a brand new chamois, garage it, go in the house, turn on your audiophile 2-channel system, pour yourself and soupcon of a precocious little Pinot, put your feet up and reflect on the good Life. The Prius is a very forgiving machine on the road and in weather. FIRST THING YOU DO ONCE THE CAR IS YOURS: Take the trim rings off all four alloy wheels and put the trim rings in a plastic storage bag, put the bag in the trunk. find some long term storage in your garage when you get home. The wheels will roll better, balance better ,stay cleaner, be easier to dress, easier to chain up and you'll have perfect, new trim rings to snap on when (if ever) you sell or trade). Just be a little careful about curbs when you're turning corners or parallel parking. You're gonna love the torque you get from the hybrid mode going up the pass each way, and the long stretches of "99.9 MPG" going downhill. Oh, and mind your top speed for the ICE until 600 miles. You are so-o-o-o-o-o-o much gonna love your Prius! Bob S.
Bob, There is no trick to driving a Prius. Since you have had a limited exposure this trip will be a voyage of discovery. It will take discipline not to spend all your time looking at the screen. I also bought out of town. My car only had 3 miles on it when I took delivery so it was clear that the dealer had not given much of a test drive. I spent the first 30 miles or so driving in the vicinity of the dealer so if anything fell off or broke down I would not be half way home. This precaution was completely unnecessary. I'll be interested to know how well the Prius handles the Vantage hill coming up from the Columbia River on I-90. You will have a ball watching the consumption display going down the West side of the pass. I predict that the more you drive it the better you like it. John
Bob- Congratulations on getting your car! :mrgreen: I would add to the other fine advice above just to remember that your mileage will improve over the days and weeks as you break it in. I didn't really think of this when I got mine, and was mightily disappointed in my initial mileage numbers... (however, 52.7 last tank :mrgreen: ) Enjoy Peace
I suggest one thing - begin to accept now that you'll have to share the car with your partner, even though he has a biodiesel. My partner has already informed me that he'll need the Prius for at least one full day to take into DC where he works and show it off to his coworkers. I don't even have the car yet, and I already miss it. I'll probably be getting my #9BC Black about the same time as you, maybe tomorrow or Friday. -m.