My thoughts were along the lines of somewhere in Finland/Denmark/Sweeden, they seem to use a lot of vowels. Of course somewhere in the Far East or Africa aren't exactly out of the question either. There are at least 3 domes visible in the shot. Also, it seems to sit in a valley and is land-locked by looking at the inset image. My wife and I explored some ideas last night, but without luck.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pewd @ Aug 7 2007, 05:00 PM) [snapback]492073[/snapback]</div> I can see what appears to be a blue mosque.I was guessing Ukraine area or one of the 'stans.
Ulaanbaatar, the Capital of Mongolia Google "ger" and you get "yert", a type of hut common in Mongolia. I'm all landmarked out so, again, it's open to whomever wants to grab the limelight! MB
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Aug 7 2007, 05:15 PM) [snapback]492085[/snapback]</div> I looked at your link but I still dont see correct the location.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Aug 7 2007, 03:23 PM) [snapback]492088[/snapback]</div> I fixed it - but Evan already put in another link to it. I frequently have trouble with the links - don't know why. PITA. MB
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Aug 7 2007, 05:15 PM) [snapback]492085[/snapback]</div> Heres an easy one[attachmentid=10444]
do not know what made me think of Mongolia; i'm running out of ideas too . but at least now i know what a 'ger' is
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Aug 7 2007, 05:01 PM) [snapback]492125[/snapback]</div> Sorry, that's another repeat - Ayres Rock in Australia Looks like I'll have to resurrect the landmarks to date list - there have been several repeats of late. Categories Already Used Famous Rocks, Famous Golf courses, Airports (too many!), Famous Casinos, Canals, Mountains, Canyons, Waterfalls, Ski Resorts, Famous Architecture (buildings, monuments, etc.), Movie Locations, Geographic Points of interest, Googlemaps destinations with keywords like "Red Herring" etc., Wildkow's house, National and Regional Parks, Warship Museums, Famous (and not so famous) Bridges, Notable Restaurants (Fred's Pancake House for one), Famous cities, and other planets (Mars). There are other categories, but let's see if I can think of some categories NEVER used: Famous forests - no one's put up Sherwood Forest, or the Amazon Rain Forest Famous trees - Charter Oak, tallest redwood, etc. Famous sidewalks - Graumann's Chinese Theater comes to mind, there may be others Famous Zoos Famous whitewater rivers - Biobio, Colorado, Zambezi, etc. Famous theaters - Madison Sq. Garden, Paris Opera House, etc. Anyway, food for thought --- MB
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Aug 7 2007, 02:05 AM) [snapback]491733[/snapback]</div> Ummm, at the risk of stating the obvious, your map is a bit inaccurate. There's about a 50 mile gap between Illinois and Arkansas and also about the same between Kentucky and Arkansas.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Martin Gundel @ Aug 7 2007, 06:35 PM) [snapback]492163[/snapback]</div> I was starting to wonder if anyone would see the joke! The REAL question is, did your suspicions drive you to consult an atlas, or did you recognize what was wrong without the atlas's help? I personally think those five states should have a big convention and reset those borders to meet at a point, directly beneath the St. Louis Arch! Not that there are any more pressing priorities. :lol: Good catch! MB
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Aug 7 2007, 08:55 PM) [snapback]492142[/snapback]</div> Well, maybe this is new. [attachmentid=10445] I apologize that there is an airport in the thumbnail in the lower right (which I have been kind enough to post.) Hint, this is a minuscule fraction of what may be the largest thing named after a U.S. President.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Toups @ Aug 7 2007, 07:53 PM) [snapback]492194[/snapback]</div> That coral blue seawater puts this at Kwajalein Atoll, on the Ronald Reagan Missile Range, in the Marshall Islands Only an institution like the military could occupy one of the most paradise like places on the planet and render most of it uninhabitable by dropping bombs and missiles on it, and setting off nuclear explosions on it, for practice! And to think it took a consortium of IQs pushing 200 to manifest such magnificent idiocy. Well, there must be a sidewalk somewhere nobody's used yet --- Yup, thought so, a VERY famous sidewalk --- [attachmentid=10446]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(airportkid @ Aug 7 2007, 09:07 PM) [snapback]492231[/snapback]</div> UM . . . WHAT? :huh: Are you seeing a "scary monster" name like Kwajalein and automatically assigning it the "death, destruction, and eternal nuclear wasteland" boogyman??? Bikini Atoll, the location of more than 20 massive nuclear tests, is NOT a wasteland, and IS habitable! There are people living, working, and vacationing there today. No, the native inhabitants aren't back yet . . . soon . . . but it is safe to return as long as you don't eat locally grown food without remedial measures being taken (one of which is the use of potassium fertilizer to counter the uptake of caesium-137 by growing plants). Over 61,000 people live in the Marshall Islands. It's sooooo easy to spread misconceptions with simplistic statements like " . . . the military could occupy one of the most paradise like places on the planet and render most of it uninhabitable by dropping bombs and missiles on it, and setting off nuclear explosions on it . . ." A scuba diving buddy of mine dove at Bikini. He came back with glowing remarks . . . not GLOWING! * NO, I'M NOT CONDONING WHAT WAS DONE IN THE PAST . . . and hopefully it will never be done again . . . but I'm not going to blindly stigmatize the area with politically expedient misinformation.
It's the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France (between Monte Carlo and Cannes);z=17&om=1 This is another famous sidewalk. In fact, it holds a world record. [attachmentid=10456]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mad Hatter @ Aug 8 2007, 01:13 PM) [snapback]492522[/snapback]</div>;z=16&om=1 Placencia Village ,belize Something unique to America originated here. [attachmentid=10464]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Aug 8 2007, 05:35 PM) [snapback]492690[/snapback]</div> This place never would have been tolerated if it had been in an area populated with Protestants.Its been closed for over two years.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Aug 8 2007, 08:54 PM) [snapback]492754[/snapback]</div> Activity here lasted until before the Civil War.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Aug 8 2007, 10:26 PM) [snapback]492808[/snapback]</div> Its been closed due to damage. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Aug 8 2007, 10:59 PM) [snapback]492829[/snapback]</div> A nearby airport shares a name related to this place. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Aug 8 2007, 11:04 PM) [snapback]492829[/snapback]</div> Heres a broader view[attachmentid=10479]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Aug 9 2007, 12:11 AM) [snapback]492829[/snapback]</div> Found your broader view, zeroing in shortly.;z=17&om=1 Give me a second I'll have it. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Toups @ Aug 9 2007, 12:18 AM) [snapback]492838[/snapback]</div> Duh, the airport is now Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. However, that didn't register because I know it as Moisant Field. The area is the Louis Armstrong Park, home to the New Orleans Jazz and Hertitage Festival. The airport code is still MSY (unlike Baton Rouge which is now BTR and I can't remember the old code. The Baton Rouge airport was previously Ryan Airport and previously Harding Field. Airportkid can you refresh my memory? I used to know this!) Here is an easy one.