there is an engine oil product that can do this and is used by the Jaguar racing team. I will be putting it in my Prius for even more fuel economy. details here: and ---------- I just put it in. 37 ml (1 oz) - the rate is 1:40
OK, I just went for a test drive around the neighbourhood, Usually the first 5 minutes is around 5.8 l/100km. This time it was 5.0. the next 5 minutes was 4.9 and my overall rate was always either 5.6 or 5.7 and it has now dropped to 5.5 for the first time ever. So I have noticed a difference right away. I got the idea from my dad who said he drove from sydney to melbourne in his hyundai excel and got 5.9 L/100km and then put roil in at melb and drove back and got 5.1 L/100km
so whats it cost, where can you get it, are you going to make me read through the entire article for basic info?
I went to the website you provided and also the product website: One of their links shows the drop in temperature realized through the use of the lubricant. I have to wonder if the drop in temperature, while not all that bad in a standard car, isn't counterproductive in a hybrid vehicle. Especially during the winter months. I mean, wouldn't the drop in temperature force the ICE to kick on to get the temperature back up to efficient temperatures? And wouldn't it be more difficult to reach those temperatures with a super-efficient lubricant? The end result would be an increased cycling of the ICE and drops in MPG. The chart showing temperature drops are here:
the reason why friction wears out parts is heat. the only way to reduce friction is to reduce heat. Tony, did you see a link to where you can get pricing??
Interesting that it seemed to have no effect in Sydney and of course I don't know the other areas. It appears to keep the temp fairly constant. I assume the peaks are areas where the vehicle is climbing and thus working hard. The graph is also for gearbox temp, not engine temp so it is hard to say what the effect would be on a Prius.
ok didnt see 2nd link now i got pricing. well if it reduces wear and increases the life of the car then it would be a benefit. however the cost more than offsets the increase in mileage and that has yet to be substantiated beyond a very short preliminary trial. if we assume about 3 tanks a month then over a 6 month period going by the recommended procedures the cost would run about $50 assuming we buy the 12 oz bottle at $1.54 an oz. also assuming at average fillup of $20 (the above is figured on a 10.3 gallon fillup so we will go with that for now) total gas cost would be about $480 (assuming 1500 miles/month 50 mpg) so the additive would add over 10% to fuel costs. i guess a bottle for $20 is cheap enough to try it. but it looks to be a break even proposition at best on unproven technology. has anyone else tried this stuff?
May work in Jaguars. I doub't it'll do any good in a 5000 top rpm, 76 hp, 33% of the time off, never overheat, ICE.
They keep saying that Roil is a US company. But what is its website? How come we have never seen this @ our local auto shops like AutoZone, Pep Boys here in the US? Also, it sounds suspiciously similar to Z-Max, which, you can get in AutoZone. - it claims to soak into metal too.