This is a group that bothers to check such details, and I would think voter turnout in your home areas runs high. My county (DuPage, also Will) requires that the precinct tallies be posted at the door of the polling place as the judges leave for the (very long) day. So if you can easily determine voter turnout from this or perhaps a newspaper website, please post the PERCENT turnout from the SMALLEST area you can verify. I hear the percentage drops in cold weather, or uphill... And please, no actual figures until after 7 PM Nov. 2.
Let's hope voter turnout exceeds all expectations and pray that the lawyers don't file more law suits than there were votes cast.
The local paper reported that 162 thousand voted during early voting in Shelby County TN (the Memphis area). This is about 25% of the registered voters.
My wife and I were out for dinner with another couple last night. We waged on the national turnout. While we predict that the heated issues will increase overall turnout, the highest guess was 53%, followed by 47%, 45%, and 43%. Before you ask, I'm not telling which was mine.
New Hampshire's Secretary of State is expecting about 75% turnout. I'd like to see it even higher. There is no good reason so many Americans stay out of the election process.
My precinct was all finished and turned in at 8:30 PM (sorry Ohio). Our turnout was 78.6% of 1135 voters. Don't know what it was in 2000, as I worked in a different precinct, where I once lived (76.3% then). Many young people were judges for the first time, both in my polling place and others. They recommend the experience, and on a busy day such as we had, the day flew by. The joke goes that 75% of the voters will vote every fourth November, and the other 25% vote in the local elections in the spring (in my state). Don't forget who spends your property taxes and vote the next time too.
These numbers are for the presidential race -- some results are lower for lesser offices. My state (Virginia) reports as follows: Precincts Reporting: 2387 of 2406 (99.21%) Registered Voters: 4,534,322 Total Voting: 3,106,035 Voter Turnout: 68.50 % My county (Fairfax) results: Precincts Reporting: 225 of 228 (98.68%) Registered Voters: 633,034 Total Voting: 409,330 Voter Turnout: 64.66 % I can find results for my precinct but I can't tell what the turnout is because I don't know the number of registered voters.
Here is a link the the famous Red/Blue map showing how each county voted. It is similar to 2000 with the population centers going for Kerry, and eveywhere else going for Bush.