Just got myself a Millenium Silver AM Package. Am getting about 48mpg on 50 mile commute (round trip) Love it and am happy I waited. Anyway, the last two days I have been going up over a small hill (35mph) and a sort of burning smell is coming from the enging. I have only put 130 miles on the car thus far. Any ideas on what the smell could be?
Thats the rust-proof protection they put on the car at the dealership... It goes away after a couple weeks
Arrrg. I searched around trying to find one of the threads that talks about this. Can't find one, so I'll try to paraphrase. Toyota protects the engine from the saltwater of the ocean by coating it with a special chemical coating. Once the car hits dock here in the states, the people at the dock are supposed to clean it all off. For one reason or another, they don't always seem to do a good job. A few poeple have complained of a burning smell. Some report that it's quite intense while others say it's just a concern that something is burning. The tell-take sign is that the cars are always reletively brand new. The burning smell will go away and there will be no damage to your car or engine. Once you can breathe again, enjoy your Prius!