[attachmentid=10328] This is a microsoft word document to help install weather tech window vent shades. If one of the moderators knows how to take this document and make a post with it including pictures you are more than welcome to do so. Feel free to edit if you have also installed these. I could not figure out how to write a little and add a picture....then write a little then add a picture. I am sure everyone does not have the communist microsoft program to open this document so I will have to rely on a good moderator to hack away at my word document. Hope this helps for those planning on purchasing these shade vents. The rear vent can not be left open while at work in case it rains as it is not designed to keep out the water(only the rear vents)
Thank you very much, Im going to look at this. Those clips are the biggest PITA I think I have ever dealt with on a car. To make it clear, do they go between the window and the weatherstripping? The instructions were not clear at all, and the "picture" they showed was worthless. ***EDIT*** Knowing the "catch the lip with the clip" was the key. Thanks!!!! It took me longer to walk down to the car than it did to put in both back ones...