A small group of hybrid car owners who are supporting John Kerry for president are offering rides to the election polls Tuesday. Winona County Republicans are also offering rides to the polls, headquarters manager Jaye Fritz said. "Hybrid car owners understand that Kerry is committed to energy efficiency and moving the country away from its reliance on foreign oil," said Jim Riddle, organizer of the ride. He owns a hybrid Honda Civic, one of three cars that will be used to shuttle voters around during Election Day. Another hybrid Honda Civic and a Toyota Prius will also be used. Hybrid vehicles run on gas and electric power. The electricity is generated whenever the vehicle coasts or comes to a stop. Hybrids get about twice the gas mileage of standard gas vehicles. For example, Riddle recently traveled 641 miles on a single tank of gas. "There's no difference as far as operation, it just you don't have to stop as often for gas," Riddle said. He said driving people to polls in hybrid cars shows support of Kerry who supports fuel efficiency and environmental protection. Link to website containing article.
Man, that's a great idea. It's a shame I didn't hear about it prior to now. If not for such a busy day at work tomorrow, I would have volunteered to shuttle people if only to show them Priapus. But alas, I've missed the boat this time around.
I did volunteer to do this - especially with the NAV in place I could have the polling places all quicksaved - but alas, they have more need for someone at the polls themselves as they already have enough drivers. In the afternoon, I will be a "flusher" - driving to people's houses who haven't voted yet who are registered, offering to take them to the polls. -m.
My Prius has been driving canvassers out every weekend for the past several weeks, but I've been asked to work the phones all day tomorrow. The labor unions that are endorsing my congressional candidate are renting / using their vans for our GOTV efforts. I would have enjoyed the mileage boost of a day of neighborhood street driving.
I'll be driving people to the polls tomorrow with my Prius - working for Kerry, of course. Hope to expose some people to what the future holds!