I am suprised that the nav system doesn't provide some of the basic functions that my hand held GPS does like and especially ALTITUDE, and longitude and latitude. The altitude would be especially helpful. Does anyone have a 'fix' to aquire such information to display on the screen? It should be readily avalable via GPS. Thanks in advance 8)
I've noticed you can get lat and long if you define a POI or input an address, but I haven't played with it that much. As far as altitude goes, I'd say they just left it out because it would be one more thing to have the software calculate. Just a guess though.
GPS is usually less accurate in altitude than in lat/lon ... maybe they're worried about confusion, bickering, liability, etc.
Current Lat and Long are available in the compass mode (p54) in the Nav Sys Manual. I also would like to get Altitude. Also a satellite reception display (thanks for the secrete code) sky map along with a estimated accuracy indicator, would be a good feature. Travel statistics such as current, average and max. speed. I took my Garmin on an air flight and kept the max speed (458 mph) for a long time. Their mapping is good I like the display and display options. But as for the rest, I have wonder if the developers of the S/W ever took a look at the other GPS systems?
Lots of software projects have a 'base' version, then a modded one for each customer. The customer defines the feature set and their 'look and feel', and that's what gets shipped. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the other GPS systems are the same base software with different mods and a different look...
So I'm guessing that an upgrade will come out and for the paultry sum of $200 and only then can we upgrade from the "base" and get a full featured GPS (after all we paid for the GPS in the first place).