Why is our country so divided? The president is suppose to be our leader. How come so many people are opposed to following him? Discussions about what the future holds are very important, but let's not forget about the unsuccessful efforts of the current administration. Unemployment, Health-Care, Budget, and Debt are all in a much worse states than 4 years ago. The war is far from a conclusion. In fact, fighting has increased since the change of power in Iraq back in June. And of course, their environmental record is horrible. Hybrids haven't received any push. All we have is what was already in place and a huge endorsement for fuel-cells instead. Throughout this term, drilling & pumping more oil has been the theme, not finding ways to take advantage of hybrid technology. So reducing consumption is clearly of no interest. And talk of reducing smog-related emissions is non-existent. That's sad.
Did somebody wake up on the wrong side of the tree stump? I have always held to the belief that any time you attempt rapid change, people will fiercely resist. For that reason, I usually set my expectations for administrative change pretty low. Side note: this is way I argue that hybrid technology is not an end-all solution that should be forced upon the general public but rather a very good start that should be endorced until widespread acceptance is achieved. Back to the current administration: If, as I said, rapid change is not as good as guiding change, we have to make sure we are steering in the right direction. Somewhere I heard someone say that federal-level change is like steering an oil tanker. It won't turn on a dime, but the President is partly responsible in deciding which way to go. In this regard, I agree with John that I sincerely do not agree with some of the steering decisions made in the last four years.
the reason why the country is so divided is because its citizens oppose change. its just human nature. we know bush, we are used to him, kerry is an unknown component, etc. but at the same time, lets face it, bush is a liar. his not-so-secret oil agenda is his top priority. the latest provisions of tax cuts will only make corporations richer, not us. so people know this. many i talk to who will vote for bush thinks its a mistake to change leadership now because many of the "good" things that bush is trying to do havent taken effect yet. if that is the best endorsement that a pro-bush man can give me then i feel that my vote for kerry is all that more justified. i cant help but feel that we do not know all the facts concerning bush's military service. it wouldnt surprise me in the least to find out that bush is also a coward.
Anyone who thinks voting Kerry into office is going to result in some big scary wholesale change might want to notice that the house and senate are (at least currently) Republican majority. Even if THAT were to change Tuesday, the split would still require compromise to get anything passed. Bush has already shown that he is right about everything, once he makes up his mind, he won't change it regardless of the facts. I'm hoping that if Kerry gets the office, HE will notice that close to half the voters didn't vote for him. It was something I expected Bush to do 4 years ago and was sorely mistaken.
With all due respect to John, I think national unity is far less common than national division. The R's hate the D's and the D's hate the R's. They both hate the Communists, and the media pretends that the Green party does not even exist except when its nominee is already a high-profile public figure like Ralph Nader. Other candidates can't even get their names into the papers unless they are multu-billionaires like Ross Perot. The division may be a little greater this year because the current president is a total moron who got into office by more-than-usually-obvious electoral fraud and lost the popular vote. But electoral venom is far more the rule than the exception. We are a fearful, violent, and belligerent country, and we carry our national character into our politics.
More and more, I'm seeing how people resist change. In subtle ways, they push it aside. I suspect the hope is that somehow doing that will make the inevitable easier later, like not dealing with it right away will better prepare them for when it finally comes. Then you've got a few that are in total denial, flat out not accepting the reality of the situation. Hybrids are a perfect example for how our world is changing. How long the supply of oil will last really makes no difference at all. We are now faced with much higher than expected prices, far too much dependence on those supplying it, and breathing-related health problems growing at an alarming rate. We must reduce our emissions & consumption. President Bush endorsed fuel-cells, clearly stating it was a solution for our children... which is great, but leaves you wondering how in the world people are going to make the change. We have already witnessed the initial resistance to hybrids. Misconceptions take time to clear up. Reliability takes a long time to prove. And where the heck is the hydrogen going to come from? Currently, the only sources large enough to fulfill that demand are dirty: oil & coal. Senator Kerry's plan is to instead embrace hybrids now and establish clean sources for that hydrogen, so they'll be operating at a large-scale capacity later when we need them. He knows quite well that taking many small steps will be much more readily accepted than one massive step later. And I agree, since I know that it is also a better way of succeeding. Being a computer programmer, I am well aware of how technological advances significantly affect plans for the future. We have obvious evidence already that the technology in Prius surprises many. They simply had no idea an electric platform could be so well blended into a seemingly traditional vehicle. Knowing that opens up new opportunities. Look at how Prius has evolved. The pioneer acceptance of the propulsion technology was proof that interface enhancements could also be introduced, without scaring away potential buyers. Rather than some fearing the change, they embraced it. That smaller step has proven to be just right.
well said John that is why i am voting for Kerry. he is more adventuresome and willing to try something new. bush's move to fuel cell technology AFTER the big 3 had working models of hybrids was an obvious stall tactic designed to insure the future for his children by maximizing his oil profits bush's politics smack of the middle ages. unwilling to change. following 1000 year old religious dogma and not willing to change when the call for change is screaming in his face. he is not a strong leader as he claims. he is a closed minded, narrow visioned puppet of big business.
Dave and John put my thoughts into words better than I could have done so myself. Hope I dont have to pack and move come Wednesday. I just cannot imagine what the country will be like if Dubya remains in office. His environmental record is obscene and gets next to no media coverage. Guess it is not a hot button issue this election...
That's the advantage of declaring the country "at war". All other issues can be swept under the carpet in the war fervour. Great for profiteering.
Why is the country so divided?...um...well it started in the 1960s...after LBJs New Deal...this division stuff was also seen in the election of 1860...be that as it may...the press has been the culprit in maintaining the division...they feed on it...the press itself, the big networks...CBS, ABC, and NBC have had political agendas since 1968,if not before...the divisions in this country are only amplifide by the press frenzy...ever ask yourself why a news conference ,regardless of whose in, looks like a pack of wolves surrounding raw meat...basically, the divisions in this country are now being based on ideology,( ie...religion, economics, environment and the role of the federal govt in peoples lives.) The last time the Federal govt overstepped its bounds was in 1861...the states decided to secede...today the federal govt is not what the founding fathers had in mind...regardless, of who wins the election, the divisions of thought will continue...until such a time parity amongst the population exists.
The part that truly rips at my core is my pledges of allegiance to the Stars and Stripes, the United States of America, and the Constitution that created and guides it. These are things that I truly and vehemently hold dear, understanding that our "Pledge of Allegiance" closely mimics the "Athenian Code" of some 2,500 years ago and that "a house divided upon itself can not stand." As much as I enjoy every freedom and luxury I am provided in this country, I find it more and more difficult and frustrating when I know that the current administration is so far removed from my personal opinions, beliefs, and ideals. I know that if my brother and I were at bitter odds and even disavowed our relationship, I would still rush to his side in his defense. But when I see, on a daily basis, that the President of my country is being attacked, sometimes rightly so, for his past, his present, and his potential future, I can’t help but to stand aside and let the onslaught occur. If not join in. In my opinion, this is not how a citizen is supposed to feel about their country.
In any transition, such as an election, or the beginning of a paradigm shift, it can be said that "the old myths have not yet died and the new myths are not yet fully accepted." We must keep in mind that even "the best steel has to go through the fire." We are a strong nation because we trust the established process. Individuals and groups will always try to position themselves to come out on top. We are a nation approaching 300 million people. The perspectives of 1780 are not the same in 2004. Bush and like-minded individuals think and act short-term - the "tragedy of the commons," where everyone derives benefits but no one has responsibility. In order to be sustainable, and with 6.4 billion people, we each individually need to take more responsiblity. As a short-term thinker, Bush, et al., is in denial of long-term consequences. The cowhand says, "not enough grass? Just go get more." We are reaching the carrying capacity limits of Earth - socially, economically and environmentally. We need more civil discourse and exchange of information, not less. Bush has made focused efforts to dismantle over 100 years of sustainable environmental efforts for short-term gain of a few - while keeping public disclosure to an absolute minimum, and in many cases, keeping information secret or after the fact. The environment is not an "issue" and has not "come up" in the current election process. Regardless of who is elected, we are responsible for and will endure the consequences. We are a nation who thrives on individual choice. I chose my bicycle, a prius and Kerry.
The Knights of the Round-Table had a motto: "Adopt, Adapt, and Improve". That advice has been well accepted over the centuries as a good way to lead your life. Hybrids are a fantastic example of how that motto is being put into play. We adopt the existing infrastructure, adopt new technology to work within it, and benefit tremendously from the resulting emission & consumption improvements. Abandoning decades of long-term environmental efforts, refusing to share certain information, and promoting increased consumption is what this current administration has done. They clearly haven't learned from history.
Why is our country so divided? When you go to war, you find that you pick up the worst of your enemy. The middle east has been a divided land population for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. When my 2005 Prius is delivered I will stay out of the middle east.
This may, or may not apply, to the USA but I'm convinced it applies to Canada. We are a country divided and becoming more so as each year progresses. Somewhere along the line we became confused with what we perceived as leadership vs popularity, the latter being purchased by money and outright lies. I'm quite certain very few of you follow Canadian politics but we have for many years suffered under some of the most dishonest politicians of all parties. The promises made during elections, have, for the most part, been ignored or distorted once in "power". We don't use the term "the buck stops here" because all the bucks stop in the pockets of many of our so called representatives. I dearly love the people of Canada and the people of the US but it's time we all woke up and smelled the roses. Vote out the rotten stock from our stable of politicians and find a way to reshape our politics so that we can return to the road of a progressive civilization. The alternative is to go the way of all precious corrupt civilizations and ,if we do, we deserve it. Now back to watch the run-up to the US elections which have prompted this sudden rush of mental bile. :mrgreen:
Have you noticed the final sentence in each of the newest (and obviously final, since the polls open in less than 12 hours) commercials by the candidates... KERRY: "Together, we'll change America." BUSH: "Why take the risk? That seems to sum up what we've been discussing rather well. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
Wow. Based on news coverage and websites like this, I was beginning that I was one of the only people in the US that supported Bush. Glad to see that I was in the 3 million plus majority. Now if I can just convince all my brethren to get a Prius... Madcat647 Quiet Republican and Prius Owner
Perhaps you can convice your president to get one too. Maybe he'll see the light regarding the future of automotive technology and air quality.
Well, if they can't be convinced of the obvious stuff like not voting for Bush, not much chance on the Prius, I suspect. I suspect there's something in the Bible about it somewhere - "the electric motor and the petrol engine shalt not power-split together".
I wish we would have elected Kerry as President and kept the republican control of Congress. It is times when a single party controls the legislative and executive branches that things seem to get too far "out of whack" I think I prefer my government deadlocked, I guess...