We want to order a Shark fin, but cannot decide on Red (the color of the car) or black (the color of the satellite antenna right next to where the fin will be). Other accessories (bra, mudflaps and bumper protector) are (or will be) black. Also, does the fin change reception or cause problems with the radio or satellite? Thanks! B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lass @ Jul 28 2007, 02:34 PM) [snapback]486796[/snapback]</div> Have it match for sure. The cost is the same - the only reason the other antenna is black is most likely because it was only offered that way. No sense in matching the thing that doesn't match! Yes, your reception for the radio will be reduced. How much depends on many factors. It was no big deal in my case. http://evnut.com/prius_antenna.htm
While we're at it, I've seen at least two different Prius shark fins - anyone know of any others? I don't listen to the radio often and will certainly be putting one on, but it bugs me to step down in reception quality.
Our reception was significantly reduced with the Sharkfin. We wish we would not have made the switch. PA P
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lass @ Jul 28 2007, 02:34 PM) [snapback]486796[/snapback]</div> Installed my shark fin this morning...order it from the accessory shop...got it over a week ago but only found the time this morning. As for reception...here in Los Angeles I have not noticed a decrease in reception...so far so good.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lass @ Jul 28 2007, 05:34 PM) [snapback]486796[/snapback]</div> I bought a barcelona red shark fin but have decided not to install it. If you want to purchase it fom me, I will sell it to you for 1/2 price.
If your sat antenna is one of the micro size ones you can install it under the Shark-fin. It'll take some searching, but there are some nice instructions for doing so here on the site. The wire runs down the hole where the current whip antenna is attached so there are no visible wires or antennae except the shark-fin itself. And yes, there will be some reception loss. If you're like me you rarely listen to regular radio since you have XM anyway, so that's no huge loss. My XM reception is mild to moderately diminished in areas where there are steep hills or tall buildings or a lot of power lines, but for the most part I get good XM reception.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(lass @ Jul 28 2007, 04:34 PM) [snapback]486796[/snapback]</div> I got mine in black although my car is silver--I have a black/silver decor going so I liked it much better than a matching one. Reception is reduced for me only on one station I had a hard time picking up anyway. I mostly listen to my iPod.
Evan, I don't think it's "micro" sized..it looks about the same size as the one on our Infiniti (which I drive), except its all black plastic, where as the Infiniti one has a circle of metal in the center of it. Bestmapman, I'll PM you about it! Thanks! lass
Looks good, but it definitely reduces reception. I installed one on Friday. We listen to XM, so I'm not too concerned about the reception. However, if you listen to stations that are not close by then save your money.
My Prius with sharkfin actually outperforms the AM reception on our two Subarus that have standard mast antennas. KFWB News and Dodger station comes in much better with the sharkfin, than in either Subaru. In our part of the San Fernando Valley, KFWB is pretty scratchy, fine with the 'fin tho. Go figure.
Thanks, Subarutoo. In my infiniti I noticed a definite change in reception when we installed the satellite (no fin on my car). My fave station KPCC 89.3 is now scratchy all the time and unintelligible in my driveway- but that's from the satellite, nothing else. The satellite install hasn't seemed to change reception on any of the stations in the Prius that I have heard, though.