We're in the middle of a road trip, vacation and relocation from Cambridge MA to Austin TX. Right now we're in Virginia. Saw a black Prius twice around Luray, he pushed the horn in greeting... Also saw another silver Prius. It's funny, it's like being in some secret club. Here's a picture of the car, which managed to drag all our stuff up to the Skyline Drive. [Broken External Image]:http://www.xciv.org/~meta/roadtrip/IMG_1973.jpg So... if you see a silver Prius with Massachusetts plates unexpectedly south of the Mason-Dixon line, say hi! Oh yeah--still getting 50 mpg, even with the car loaded down pretty much to capacity! Love the car, love it.
Great looking car......have a safe trip. Sure would appreciate a brief summary of the trip when you arrive. We are thinking of taking a trip down the West coast across the Southern states then up the East coast to Nova Scotia. Will be interested in your average mpg, mountain handling, (sleeping on your laid back front seats ... probably not 'cause you have the back loaded), any nervous moments looking for gas when the last bar was flashing, and if you have the NAV system how useful was it?
Hi Mathew, Glad your trip is going well so far. Didn't really expect to 'see' you here for another week or so after you got settled
Hi Matthew, Welcome to Austin. If I can help in any way, get in touch with me. I read your site and I like your politics. You know what the Republicans call Austin? 50 Square miles surrounded by reality. Congrats on your move, and your new Prius. Ray
I've punched in the figures so far, which represent our road trip mileage (plus a bit of last minute Cambridge noodling around). The car was fully laden for the whole of our journey--the secret compartment was full, the rear seats were down, and the car was so full I could only just see out the upper part of the rear window. We had the air conditioner / heater on auto pretty much all the way, and I used cruise control whenever possible. We also took the car up a couple of mountains while fully laden; over 6,000 feet up. Hence, these are basically worst case real world figures for Prius fuel economy! That said: We drove 2,581 miles on 57.24 gallons of gasoline, for an average of 45.09 mpg. Individual tank mpg varied from 35.56 mpg (when we had just got the car and were still getting used to it and making lots of short journeys) to 52.33 mpg (highway driving on well maintained roads with little wind). Cruising around Austin in an unladen car is a different story. I'm already learning to keep the mpg over 50 even on fairly short journeys, so hopefully we'll do better in future. Any recommendations for Austin Toyota dealers when it's time for the 5,000 mile checkup?
[font=Comic Sans MS:7bc7a42c68] [/font:7bc7a42c68] </span><span style=\'color:blue\'> Congratulations on a successful trip. Expect further posts to reflect a Texan drawl.
Depends on where in Austin you live and how far you're willing to travel. I have no personal experience, but I've heard Charles Maund has terrible service, so I would stay away from there. When I hit 5,000 miles (if I'm still in Austin), I will probably be going to Champion because it's close to me (south Austin). Your other option is Classic (I think that's the name of the one in Round Rock), which might be a good choice if you live way up north. Welcome to Austin! Gotta love the fact that it's 80 on Halloween... perhaps a bit of a shock compared to Boston .
I would definitely recommend Classic Toyota. My mom lives in Georgetown, TX(Sun City) and takes her corolla there for service. She has been pleased thus far. If you happen to be driving on IH-45 in the Houston area near Spring, Fred Haas Toyota World is an excellent place to take your car for service. I have purchased vehicles over the internet there for my mom, dad and myself. John James in service will help you out. If you need help with internet sales, talk to Jimmy Nguy. Hope it all works out...
Uh, yeah, the temperature was a bit of a surprise. We were expecting 60s/70s Fahrenheit, so I'd packed the "summer" clothes away into storage with our other stuff... Had to dash out and buy more. Still, I'm not complaining. I'm so glad I won't be facing another New England winter; last year's seemed to go on forever.
I too have heard Charles Maund has terrible service from many people.. I bought the Olds I had before the 2002 Prius from them.. They were good to me....so went there to look at a prius... noda... Sold it 3 months ago and not planing on getting another to demo.. OK, on the phone to Chanpion... They had 4 to demo... quick trip south..I was sold.. I have a 2004 now... got it in Ca... long story... But Chapion was good service on the 2002. I use Classic as it is closer to work and I have co-workers that go by there on their way home in Round Rock if I drop it off for service.. . SO, did you settle in Austin, or Ceder Park, Round Rock.. I live in the Anderson Mill Dist. (NW Austin) and have seen two other Prii in this area.. some wave.. some don't... I try to wave... there are now I think 5 at work.. two 2002-2003, and three 2004-2005... I see more and more Hybrids on the Texas roads around here eveyday.. Good luck and we well have to meet and par-take in some Bar-B-Que, or some catfish... If there is anything I can help with give a yell.. I too drive a Sliver.. just had the oil changed, washed/ waxed the car to get ready for the big rains...
Give it time... a "Blue Northerner" will hit.. 70-80 at noon... 25 at 4pm, with sleet.. understand sorta big change for this week... maybe we can get away from this June weather... and get to normal Nov... Enjoy..
Mathew, 60-70F IS summer weather! At least the start of it. How soon he forgets, not but a week out of New England and he needs a coat at 60 or 70 ;-) It was 61 here today, unusually warm for the Trick or Treaters.
So classic Austin--the minute it hits 50, everyone pulls out the wool coats, hats, and gloves. The first year you laugh but soon you will be joining them . And if the temperature is near freezing, everyone starts driving really slow, and the mere chance of freezing rain will shut down the city (literally--the first year I was here, they started canceling school and shutting down businesses before any sleet had even fallen). The radical shift in temperatue (in either direction) is pretty common in the winter as well... I've gone into class at 8 am with snow flurries and walked out to 60 degree weather. I'm in South Austin--78704! That might mean more to you as you drive around and see more of the bumper stickers . There are lots of hybrids on the UT campus (particularly around the engineering school), and more seem to be showing up every day.
I grew up in So. Cal so I have seen the 'winter coats at 50F' thing Up here in the colder areas 50F has two meanings. In the fall a nice sunny 50 degree day is, "oh, getting nippy, time for a sweater". The same day in April will be "Whoo hoo, T-shirt weather!" It IS all about the temperatures you got used to the last week or month.