I'm wanting to get a mac today for some development reasons. I have a couple of PCs and a Linux box all hooked up in a shared keyboard/mouse/dvimonitors arrangement, so the headless/appendage-less mini looks like an option. The mini part scares me, is it a real mac, or is it a toy? What's missing in a mini that's absolutely essential to regular mac users. I'm a developer, is it going to frustrate me with slow speed? Trimmed off operating system? It's not something I am going to use on a daily basis, but I don't want some weakness to get in the way when I do need to use it. Advice?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(CornBoy @ Jul 28 2007, 10:52 AM) [snapback]486660[/snapback]</div> The Mac mini is a nice little web surfing machine and good for word processing. It has a laptop hard disk so its speed is much slower when the $999 imac with built in screen. If you can spring for the Imac do so. The CPU in the mac mini is a core duo but not a core 2 due as the Imac has so again the Imac has another speed advantage.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hampdenwireless @ Jul 28 2007, 11:00 AM) [snapback]486661[/snapback]</div> Thanks. Yeah, a top end mini and an entry level iMac are about the same price, but you get so much more with an iMac it seems. I've already 2 monitors on the desk, didn't want a 3rd, but it might make sense, especially if I can share my middle monitor between the 2 systems. It'll look like freakin' Norad in here.
I have two MacMini's, along with my MacBook and iMac. And frankly, with enough RAM, the MacMini runs fine. MacMini makes it easy to work with digital photos, movies, music, and the web. It all happens with the Intel Core Duo. The MacMini runs up to five times faster than it had before. I would get one. Heck, as I said, I have two.
Good Grief! My Linux box just went out. It must have had overheard me typing about bringing another *nix home and walked out to the pasture... I knew I should have posted my original message from the windows box...
I think the Mac Mini is fast enough for your daily activities. I have a first generation Macbook that I use as my primary computer, which has essentially the same specifications as the current Mini. I can use Final Cut Pro, Filemaker, VisualHub, Photoshop, etc. with no problems and when I get to the office I hook up the computer to a 22" Samsung display and it runs like a champ even with integrated video. The first thing you'll want to do, however, is upgrade the RAM to the maximum. I have 2GB of RAM in the Macbook and it really does make a difference. I'm always amazed at how much less resource hungry Linux is compared to OS X and Windows. I have a $100 spare-parts computer with a Celeron 2.4GHz and 512MB of RAM and it feels just as responsive running Ubuntu as a brand new PC or low end Mac running Windows or OS X.
Check the apple store site daily for the refubished minis, they start at 499-900, and they come with most programs installed... Thats what I was going to do but for the same price I can get a new laptop (when you factor in the costs of a monitor/keyboard/mouse/ it adds up quickly)!
The <strike>MiniMe</strike> MacMini is an attractive little package that does everything the big kids do. The price can be close to an iMac by the time you add the extras, but if you already have all that stuff, as CornBoy does, it's cheaper. And, given his setup, probably less cluttered than adding another monitor would be.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Jul 30 2007, 12:43 PM) [snapback]487474[/snapback]</div> So I did wind up buying an iMac. It is a 17" one. It is sweet. I am having a little bit of trouble keyboarding, need to figure that out. I do have 3 monitors on my desk now. It really does look like Norad in here. My left monitor is the main windows monitor, the right monitor is the iMac. The middle monitor is shared between the Mac and a Windows box, as well as a Suse linux box and Windows 03 server. I installed XCode, and compiled up Ruby on Rails. Installed MySQL as well. Bought a program called TextMate, was recommended, trying to learn that. I am pretty pleased with performance and the machine. I pulled out one of the 512 sticks and replaced with 2Gb so I have 2.5GB memory.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(CornBoy @ Aug 5 2007, 07:28 PM) [snapback]491007[/snapback]</div> Awesome! I have three computers (and their screens), on my desk: MacBook to the left, iMac in the middle, and SONY Vista Laptop to my Right. I love being a geek sometimes.
lolz, geek wanna-be's No offense at all, Its just funny to me that some of you say <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Aug 5 2007, 10:40 PM) [snapback]491062[/snapback]</div> because you bought a lot of 'puter's and have no idea. Some may, most may not. Haha, this reminds me, has anyone seen Kevin Mitnick's business card? lol, its awesome. Its a knock-out lock-pick kit.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Slair @ Aug 6 2007, 08:58 AM) [snapback]491173[/snapback]</div> Son, I was on the internets when you was in diapers. I was geeking when geeking wasn't cool. My friends were Steve Case, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. I was tearing apart motherboards and building my own rigs when 500MB of ram was the dream.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Aug 6 2007, 11:05 AM) [snapback]491230[/snapback]</div> I think what he is saying is he was online before the internet. It was called BBS'ing you would use a modem to call other computers and cruise the other guys system.. it was kinda fun, oh the days of mono-chrome monitors...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Aug 6 2007, 11:05 AM) [snapback]491230[/snapback]</div> I built my first 286 back in '92 when I was 7 years old. A guy down the street was the biggest geek I've ever met. I hung out with him all the time. He had enough spare parts to where I got one going on 3.11. If you know Case, Jobs, and Gates, prove it with pics or something. Just because you know who they are doesn't mean you know them. If you do know them personally, then I would like to meet you. I just moved and finally got myself to throw out all the old crap that I've collected through the past. I threw away fistfulls of 4k & 16k memory banks. (yes, they called them banks before chips/sticks/whatever you want) Pentiums, 286, 386, and I even had 1 486. I was tempted to see if I had enough parts to get something running, but...why. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hycamguy07 @ Aug 6 2007, 11:44 AM) [snapback]491252[/snapback]</div> I still have my Rolodex, anyone else? If you do, look through it again....what a trip back in time. Just because I may be younger than most of you guys, doesn't mean that I didn't start young. I've used all of the old technology that you guys started out with as well. : I'm now a senior network admin for CAT, so I'm more into networking now than anything else. I have experience dating back with MAU/tokenring, coax (bus topology), and all the oldie goldies that ran on it.
Back in '92, you say? Would that be the 19th century or the 20th? I remember when...(should this be a new thread?)...a spreadsheet was a piece of paper.
Easy, bshef, I already started a new thread for the fogies to reminisce. Now, how are you liking your new iMac, CornBoy?
I was actually just about to make a new thread for "PC talk" or whatever. lol, like the pic of the hijack
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Slair @ Aug 6 2007, 12:26 PM) [snapback]491295[/snapback]</div> Hell son, when I met them in was 1977. It was in Washington, D.C. and I was the young man. I was only 13 then. No camera was around my neck. But when Steve Case started AOL, I was one of his first BETA testers. I also BETA tested Windows for Bill. And when I had a Apple II, it was a LAZER II from Sears, I think it was, and when Steve Jobs found out, he sent me a APPLE II. My life is filled with the famous. Not bragging, just facts. So you can believe or not. Cousin of mine? Bill Maher, for one. Friends of my deceased parents? The Kennedy's. I have met John Kerry, John McCain, and others like them. I used to work on the radio, in Washington D.C, and this is how I met a lot of these people. When I started in radio, Howard Stern was on the air where I worked, DC 101. I have had more computers, more hand made by me, then I have bought.