Has anyone else out there had any problems with their hands and arms because of the seat/steering wheel configuration? I'm 5'3", small frame and the seat of my 2007 Prius has never fit me right, which okay, I can live with. Have tried many combinations of cushions, pads, seat distances, wheel heights, etc to be more comfortable. Besides the uncomfortable seat and back problems, I have developed pains in the palms of hands, wrists, and some in my arms that shoot up to my elbows - almost like carpal tunnel syndrome. The angle on the steering wheel seems too vertical and may be putting too much pressure on my hands. Also, the design and size of it is pretty bizarre - it's just not comforatble to hold. I've seen a physical therapist and he agrees the seat is bad and that the lumbar is too low for me - but besides that, there's something just not right about the wheel/seat ergonmics. It makes me absolutely dread driving the car and I'm getting very close to giving up and selling it, which I really hate to do. Has anybody had similar problems and if so, did you find anything that helped you? Thanks![/email]
I'm 5'2" and find the seats very comfortable. Much more so than my old Saturn because they are much more like a chair and less like a sports car. I.E. I don't sit down into them with my knees in my face. I have adjusted the tilt on the wheel. I also tilt the back seat back slightly. And I have the bottom moved back far enough so that I can reach the pedals but my knees aren't too bent. My goal is to have my arms as straight as possible to reach the steering wheel. I don't like driving with my arms at a 90 degree angle. I find that tireing. Between adjusting the tilt of the wheel, tilt of the seat back and distance of the seat from the wheel you should be able to find something comfortable for you.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rae Vynn @ Jul 26 2007, 01:44 PM) [snapback]485554[/snapback]</div> Yes, thanks have tried that too. I've heard others complain about how Toyota even dares to call it a tilt since the arc on it is less than 5%. Thanks again. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jul 26 2007, 03:03 PM) [snapback]485598[/snapback]</div> Thanks, I've tried everything you you mentioned, but not necessarily in the combination you recommended. Thanks again - there just HAS to be something out there that works!
Where do you put your hands on the steering wheel? The "correct" 10 and 2 o'clock position can cause stress from holding your arms up. Try putting your hands at the seven and five o'clock positions.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(etyler88 @ Jul 26 2007, 03:23 PM) [snapback]485606[/snapback]</div> Another reason not to use the old 10 and 2 o'clock positions is that your arms will be in the path of the airbag if it deploys. Recommendation now is 9 and 3 o'clock, or 8 and 4. Seven and five o'clock seems like it would not allow quick steering correction in an emergency.
The seats and driving position and perfect for me. However, a tall friend traded his 2006 because the seats did not have sufficient thigh support and the driving position hurt his right knee.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(etyler88 @ Jul 26 2007, 03:23 PM) [snapback]485606[/snapback]</div> Have done both 10/2 and 7/5. 7/5 position almost doesn't provide enough hand space, because of the way the inside bar things come down. WHY is the wheel so SMALL? I sometimes wonder if diameter isn't also part of the problem.
Well, the only thing about the steering wheel that sucks is that I can't place my hand in the 6 o'clock position like I did on my old car. I've been driving one handed so long now that driving any other way just tires out my arms, only on longer trips of course. Stupid steering wheel. One-handed also gives me much greater steering response if I need it, saved me twice in my old Isuzu.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DebAug @ Jul 26 2007, 01:41 PM) [snapback]485553[/snapback]</div> Hi DebAug Although I am not short overall, I am short from my waist to my head, and as a result the seat is too low for me. The result is that I sit with my head slightly tilted back, resulting in numbness and tingling in either one or both hands (usually the first 3 fingers only). The actual culprit is a pinched nerve in my neck that is only relieved by looking slightly downward. With my last car I could adjust the seat all the way up and most of the time it worked. This does result in the lumbar curve hitting too low on the back though, so not only do I need to elevate it but also slightly tilt the seat back and put a pillow or rolled towel behind my middle back. Eventually I will find the right combination of raising the seat with padding and supporting my middle back. But if ithe seat is that bothersome you might think about replacing the seat with a Corolla seat which has an adjustable height mechanism on the side. I have read of several others that have had to remove the seats and re-install them further back because they are so tall. Why can't they be re-installed higher then? I think I have read of others changing to a different seat too. Wish I had a better answer for you, but try sitting higher, tilting the wheel up, AND placing a rolled towel behind your back (which was suggested by one of the physical therapists I saw for my lower back problem). I routinely drive with my hands no higher than the crossbar except when turning, and change hand position frequently. AND I try to remind myself to sit up straight and not slouch, which is easier said than done. One other thing to consider is how far you are from the steering column. If you are less than ten inches from it, think about having the airbag disabled. There was much controversy about that for a while in the news, but lately I haven't heard much about it. One thing I could never do would be to give up my car though. I would have a custom seat built and installed before I would do that. But everyone's different, so I cannot judge how uncomfortable the seat is for anyone but myself. I hope you can find a solution - and if you do please share, because you are surely not alone.
Dear Neicy. Thanks for your advice. Even though this is horrible to say, I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one suffering with such a weird thing. Nobody else I know who drives a Prius has any problems like this! I had heard that you don't want to any closer than the length of sheet of paper (8.5 inches) from the steering wheel airbag. I'll try your advice. I had tried sitting on a cushion to raise me up, so I may do that again. I'll also try adjusting the wheel tilt, the seat back tilt and seat distance as Godiva suggested. Thanks again, and everybody else who has written. This was my first time writing in and everybody has been so nice! I promise, if I find something that works, you'll be the first to know - especially you Neicy! DebAug.
All this talk about keeping hands on the steering wheel at 10 minutes to 2, I keep mine on the wheel when ever I'm driving. Steering wheel is height adjustable rather than tilt. Wind the seat up higher to reduce reach up. Loosen your grip on the wheel, keep your bum back in the seat. Change the position of your hands on the wheel from time to time. I love the tiny wheel in my Prius, it's one of the things that I bought it for.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DebAug @ Jul 26 2007, 01:41 PM) [snapback]485553[/snapback]</div> Yes, the Prius has one of the most awkward and uncomfortable driving positions I'e ever seen in a car. Nothing can be done about it until they put in a set on 1990 era seat adjustments. I could not drive it every day because of this. I mean, you can't even adjust the seat's height! Inexcusable. The 1987 Ford Aerostar van we had when I was a kid had more seat adjustments.
You might want to try a Yoga Back for driving. I have had back problems and this makes quite a difference. www.yogaback.com No affiliation, just a satisfied customer
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patsparks @ Jul 28 2007, 12:44 AM) [snapback]486545[/snapback]</div> Hi Patsparks. Thanks for your advice. Can you you please tell me what you mean when you say "wind the seat up higher"? I have heard of people raising the seat with washers where it bolts into the floor, but I wonder if that could lead to any safety problems. If you mean using a cushion so I sit higher in the seat, been there, done that too. I guess I just need to find the right combination of height, distance, angle, etc. But I think the real problem is the horrendous design and lack of ergonomic concern for drivers - including the steering wheel that does not TILT. Thanks again.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jamarimutt @ Jul 27 2007, 03:52 AM) [snapback]485628[/snapback]</div> I share the same problem as your tall friend but am not ready to trade in my car. Using a thin chair cushion, the kind with the little ties on the back, works pretty well to lift my legs and thighs up slightly without putting my head into the roof liner. As for our original question about tilt wheel and seat position for short drivers......you might check with a body shop who might be able to modify the seat support brackets or do something about the steering wheel angle. I agree with many who feel that the seat/steering wheel relationship needs more variable positions. If your car has side airbags, you should avoid using a seat cushion that has straps around the seat back as this may prevent the side bag from deploying properly.