hi all, i just wanted to share a pleasant surprise i wasn't expecting in the prius... legroom as a 6'2" driver. i know some have mentioned switching out seats and the such, but i can't get over what a feeling of fresh air this is for me after driving a subaru forester for 5 years. oh man. my right leg use to be constrained by a middle island and my leg hair (sorry) would get caught every time i wore shorts. not to mention my left leg was cramped. my wife's odyssey hits me in a similar way on my right knee. however, in the prius, the world is my oyster. my right leg is all over the map and i have to remind myself to let my left leg dance. ok, this is getting scary. anyway, i had to mention it considering i smile every time i drive now for over 10mins. loving the prius. -r
Lets not go overboard! I too am 6'2" and although the legroom in the 2004 is much better than previous editions, its far from spacious. I am able to stretch out my legs in my 94 Explorer but not in the Prius - still must maintain a bend in both. So... Prius? just OK.
OK guys and ladies; here'e my deal on Prius leg room. I'm 6'0 and (disclosure time...) 248 lbs. You can buy a Camry or an Avalon or an ES 300 or a LS400 or some other Big Rig (like s certain large Ford SUV) and get more leg room. Or you can drive a Prius and recognize that it is the product of a whole bunch of pretty intelligent compromises, one of them being front seat leg room. No guarantee that the "H" Series Highlander or Lexus SUV will have more front legroom, either! Be fair or buy a larger rig! Bob
6'0" here and although I'd love to have a little more leg room in the driver's seat, I love the fact that someone my size can sit in the rear seat with the front seat fully pushed back and still have room in front of their knees! I've had allegedly 'larger' sedans where that wasn't possible...