Is the grass in your frontyard yellow?

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by burritos, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. des101

    des101 New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    Around here there is something called xeriscaping. This is using rocks, stones, and native plants (which are very drought tolerant) on yards. I have Zero-scaping. That means that once a month or so i get some guy to come over and chop down my weeds. But xeriscaping can be very nice looking.

    Actually I have heard in the mid-west of people planting wild flowers, ground covers and that sort of thing, and i think you have the same general idea.

    The parks here got smart. After trying to keep planting grass, they put down a kind of soft bark stuff. It is rounded off and specially made for dog parks. Everyone is happy, including the dogs. I actually thought this stuff would be nice for backyards or under play equipment.
