I'm beginning to think that posting the pic was a mistake. (As Zapp would say, "A sexxxy mistake.") Eh, what the hey. This is the closest I'll come to being in a Whitesnake video! -=Amber=-
Actually, Zapp would say: "I could paint a fence, or service you sexually, or mop the floors..." To which Leela would reply: "You don't know how to do any of those things." I absolutely LOVE Futurama. But remember, the way to a woman is through her parents; have sex with them and you're in.
Ok I'm old and don't have cable.. or a dish.... but Leela (gees.. I think I ran off from Detroit to open a Denny's in Toledo with a Leela..one night) anyway.. Leela looks like a Simpson... but I really don't know cartoon people..
Good call, Bob. Futurama is the brainchild of Simpsons creater Matt Groening. It is riddled with the same wit, sarcasm, and social commentary as The Simpsons. An interesting way to approach the topic, Groening uses the fact that the show takes place in the year 3000 to poke fun at the blunders of the 20th century.