I talked this morning with Geekmaster Coastal Dave, who is putting the finishing touches on a module that will support multiple audio and video inputs with a really optimized interface. Pushbuttons and MFD will work perfectly, supporting external DVD, various audio sources, cameras, etc. Plug 'n play, installation time about 30 minutes. Price about $400. Anticipated availability before the end of the year. Happy Holidays to the geeks among us! PLEASE DON'T PESTER COASTAL - more jabber will just delay shipment. Henry ...looking for a longer sig!
Can anyone tell me what's actually going to be involved in that "30-minute" installation? What I'd have to take apart and take out and then put back together? I bought a treadmill which was delivered by the Sears technicians. They assembled it for me in about 20 or 30 minutes. It would have taken me 4 or 5 hours! What Costal Dave can do in 30 minutes might take me all day. The 20-minute EV Switch install took me close to an hour.
Hey, from what I gather, the Prius is a sideline for Dave and a tiny part of his business. We're lucky he bothers with it at all.
I understand that completely, and I'm very happy to hear anyone putting their own car 'on the line' to add mods to it for those of us less inclined to do so - I'm grateful that Dave does this at all. But at the same time, I do wish he would've informed us it was going to take another year instead of saying it'll be out earlier like he did. And I understand things come up as well, personally and in the world of business alike - but I also know that if I can't meet the expectations I set, I let those people know. Either way, I'll be very glad when this argument is moot - because from what I've heard here, Dave does a great job & I've been looking forward to an A/V solution from him since even before owning my Prius. And, if this does in fact appear by end of year, he'll still be the first with a complete A/V solution for the car! Alas, the proof is in the pudding, as they say. -m.
I hope my post doesn't generate irritating calls for him and Kelley. They've been burdened enough by the bug-outs, and then shoveling out from under the hurricanes. And yes, the Prius Project is a sideline. I'm grateful for what Dave's done. The innovation and quality of his work is terrific, and more than make up for delays due to minor issues like hurricanes and earning a living. As for the A/V module's ipod input and other requests, the design is cast in concrete with multiple audio and video inputs - so whatever is, is. I don't think anyone will be disappointed; Dave's history is to listen to what people want, so this will be a terrific addition to what is already a wonderful car. I can do an EV mod or hotwire the power socket, or even install a switch to disable the speed sensor thus enabling PHONE and NAV at speed - 15-20 minutes each, and the last time I was limber was four decades ago. Dave's stuff is well described and easy to implement, so if he says "30 minutes", I believe it.