News is sketchy at the moment, but he apparently went into the ICE on Friday with either tracheal CA (very bad) or thyroid CA (not so bad unless advanced). Shit, they just said he's had a tracheotomy and the dx. is thyroid CA. Somehow Bush has not appointed a Supreme Ct. justice during his first term. This could actually change the face of the election only 8 days away. The issues of abortion, gay rights, and untold other contentious issues could turn on whether we have a demorcrat or republican in office for the next 4 years as there are multiple justices in their 70s on the court. The balance is good now, but give Bush a chance to appoint 2-3 conservative justices and this country could be looking at the dark ages of civil rights again. This is the story to watch this last 8 days before the election...IMO.
Evan, Are we to understand that the Cheif Justice went into an engine? Was it running or in stealth mode at the time? :-D
I thought the same thing at first! But the rest of the post was so serious I quickly pulled up just to be sure. This does sound like quite a story with the election only 8 days away.
He became Chief Justice under Reagan. He was appointed the Supreme Court in 1972 by Nixon. Profile of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist