We have saved all gas receipts since purchased the prius to compare the cost and other figures to our jeep. We had spent $464.60 in fuel for the prius for a total of 10,000 miles used 167.451 gal. Our life time mpg is 58.8 mpg When compared to our jeep , we would have spent $ 2,176.86 in fuel for the same 10k miles in 4 months our savings in fuel is $ 1,712.26 Needless to say, we are very pleased with our prius Has anyone else saved their reciepts for comparison?
I have not saved the receipts but do log each fill-up. I live in an area where traffic and weather is inconsistent, so pulse and glide doesn't happen much before someone pulls out in front of me. Mostly I try to avoid quick starts and stops, coast when I can, and stay light on the accelerator while cruising. I only have 4300 miles on the car (in 2 months) and have use 89.5 gallons for about 48 mpg. That is double what I was getting with my previous ride. At $3.15/gallon (avg) I've saved $282 in two months. That more than makes up for the difference in car payment from before, I'm driving 'cleaner', and enjoying the technical features of the Prius. (My geek side is showing). Les 2007 Silver Prius Touring Pkg 6 No mods yet, but as soon as I digest the wiring diagrams, there will be!
Yes. Company gasoline payment card, so I get the totals automatically. Savings are for 30.000 km and compared to a 2.0 liter/ 4 cylinder Audi A3 that did 7.5 l/100 km.
Yes I save my receipts mostly because I usually charge gas and have to deduct from checkbook; but I also have always tracked all expenses for my cars, the Prii notwithstanding. I can then calculate the cost per mile at the end of each year of service.
I do save them. Recetly I found out that some of them fade, made me upset. I don't calculate the mpg, I just trust the MFD. I really don't care if it is 52.1 or 52.8. I want a general number to have an idea. I also write the amount I paid in a little book with the date and the # of gallons. Recently I started writing down the mpg for each tank.
I remember pulling out some old receipts just to find out that it faded so much it was just a blank sheet of paper again. That's not too comforting to know when the receipts weren't even exposed to sunlight and were kept in darkness the entire time. Just from when I started logging my mileage and such on CleanMPG I've saved nearly $800 in about 4 months, give or take. I'd say that that's probably an understatement since I know several times I've been able to kinda skip over those periods where gas prices surge for a few days.
I don't save the physical paper, but after I fuel up, I stop at the next available web browser and put in a record to my site. http://www.daronspicher.com/php/prius/priusgasgrid.php I was driving a F250 diesel before, ended up getting a 130 mile per day commute so I tracked the pickup while waiting for the prius to arrive. Over 5 months, the pickup got 17.864 mpg. Now when I fuel up the prius, I write the mileage on the receipt as well as the diesel price. I input the info to my site and it calculates up the rest. Right now with the prius I'm at 17 months, (57,500 miles), 50.7mpg and have saved: 2085 gallons of fuel. $6210.28 dollars. Also saved, but harder to track would be the new tires I'd have put on the pickup at about $750. At each of my 11 oil changes, would have used 11.5 MORE quarts of oil as well as a $21.00 oil filter instead of my $3.65 filters for the prius. It's substantial for a guy with my commute. I sure liked the F250 a lot more than I do the car, but financially, it's huge for me to save so much per month.
I keep in my car a small notebook with built-in receipt folders (like a mini filing cabinet). At each fill-up I record on the receipt info such as Octane rating, ODO, temperature and MFD readings. Later I transfer the numbers to a spreadsheet, where I also collect other info such as where I got the gas, the average national and local gas price on that particular day, as well as any extra expenses I've added (e.g. accessories) or any maintenance service performed. The spreadsheet then does all the other calculations for me, including a running average and lifetime average of consumption (gallons & $) It also serves as my historical record of all things done and spent on the car since I bought it. Every once in a while I email it to myself to have a backup copy in case something happens to my file. The physical receipts fade after a while, but I save them for at least a few months in case there's any dispute with the credit card company.
i dont save receipts but do know how much i have paid for gas over the past 3 years on both my Priuses. my lowest for gas was $1.699 in jan 2005. i also tracked gas prices for the 6 ½ months while waiting for my first Prius and did pay on 1.399 in early 2004. have paid $1800 with highest at $3.339. driven over 40,000 miles so averaging under 5 cents per mile.....not bad
I've kept notes since I've been driving (the engineer in me), but I've lost many of the early years. Since '99 I've put them in an excel spreadsheet, kinda interesting to see gas prices fluctuate. Jan 2002 it was barely over a $1/gal, but that was a relatively brief dip. My first year of the Prius is here (Tony's supposed to update it at some point, but now might as well wait for my August trip). The Prius is almost exactly double my Subaru's mileage, so the savings are easy, same as what I spent. Current tank is showing 56 mpg, that's pretty good for us! I had to drive 7 miles to a meeting and back last night, and I was able to hypermile the whole way (after the first 5 minute warmup), so that helped. (Lifetime average is 48.9). (For the Prius that is, my lifetime average is probably about 30-34 mpg).
I made this gas log that I carry in the glove box, at the end of the month bring it in and put the data in Excel.[attachmentid=9871]
[Has anyone else saved their reciepts for comparison? [/quote] I have an old libretto 100ct mini laptop-about the size of a vhs tape---that i keep in my prius...I record all fuel information, date, cost, gallons, mileage etc, on it. Technology has really passed this little laptop by and I can't even transfer information from it anymore but this is the perfect use for this little, old item.... a stip of male velcro across the bottom holds it securely to the carpet and it fits perfectly on top of the transmission hump between the dashboard and the armrest storage box. The libretto's grey as well and matches the vehicle interior---people seem to get a kick out of seeing my geekness as well. This way I can reuse old tech and not have to deal with keeping receipts. Froley
Every business owner saves their receipts (ours via AMEX statements). Yes, & yes ... both of our cars.