Wow... if Barris is the guy that created the original batmobile, I'm worried he's lost touch with his creative muse, if this Prius is his latest output. I just saw the "Modernism" exhibit at the Corcoran, and I think if I had the 10k budget for the makeover, I'd like to have tried a massive center fin down the back, similar to the vintage '38 Czech Tatra that sits in the Corcoran lobby, I believe on loan from the V&A Museum. Given the Tatra's pioneering leap into aerodynamic designs, I think it would be a fitting application on a Prius! [attachmentid=9807]
Gotta love the Suicide doors and rear skirts!!!! ON the Tatra Czech now more of the Barris Prius Here is another link to show the process etc...
I saw it in person at the Petersen Automotive Museum. It was interesting, but I wasn't impressed. Nothing was done to the interior.
Yuk, why flare the guards then fit wheels and tyres that would have fit nicely under the stock guards. The nose is dreadful and the colour scheme leaves me soft.
If you're old enough to remember, it was George's late great brother Sam Barris who was the pioneer in defining the word CUSTOM, not George. Sam was the one with good taste. IMHO George never had the talent of Sam.
WOW, i love the spoiler stacked on top of the stock one. I wonder what purpose that serves? Maybe a 2nd brakelight?