It should be on a Federal Level to offer all Hybrid purchasers a rebate to help with the enviroment and to help cut our oil dependency. I wish all states would follow or again make it a Federal Rebate. Every bit helps
Available only if your finance your car at certain banks. Only enough for 2,000 vehicles. Looks like grandstanding with taxpayer money, or a genuine but tiny effort. I wonder if he wants to join the ChicagoPriusGroup with his Escape Hybrid? Wayne
"Giannoulias' rebate program for Illinois residents who buy new hybrids or energy-efficient vehicles " What criteria will they use to determine if a vehicle is "energy efficient"? I've seen ads that claim vehicles getting 20 mpg are getting great fuel efficiency. So will we be subsidizing big gas guzzlers just because they get better mileage than their predecessors? In my mind we need to be promoting vehicles that get at least 35 mpg, but I suppose some improvement is better than none.