Stopped at the down town dealer and out of 10 of the lease cancel cars that he got he has 3 left 1) Tideland A model 1) Seaside A model 1) Millennium Silver B model the 2k2 they had was still there but has a Sold sign in the window. Price was $19,990 CDN, Blue in colour and I can't tell you the mileage. Looked clean no obvious accident damage or miss matched paint and looked like it had Dunlop SP10's on it, in good shape. They were just closing and one of the sales men came out as we were getting in the wifes 2k4 and asked if he could help. Told him no that we both have Prius's and were just curious what they had after seeing the ad in the local paper. He didn't realize the 2k2 was sold when I asked him what they got for it. MSRP on the 2k4's
heh... if it's the dealer I think you're referring to.. the Seaside Pearl "A" is the demo car, the silver "B" was sold by mid Sept. and when I lasted checked in mid Sept, the Tideland "A" was in the showroom =)
My local dealer has a Silver on the display pad and I haven't checked the lower 2 lots but the last time they had a white and another silver in the back lot. Regency Toyota.
Tideland Prius, I sent you a private message, but will ask my question again here, since there are a bunch of Canadians on this thread. I just ordered a 2005 Prius from Kelowna Toyota. I was told that the '05's were not available until December, yet a few of you seem to have picked yours up already. I had also called a Vancouver dealer and got the same date (no availability until Decemberr). This was before I speicfied colour or options. Any idea what might be up here? For those looking for 2004 models Kelowna Toyota has two: a silver and a tideland, both of which are the "B" package. I didn't opt for the 2004 as the price was only 300 dollars less than a 2005. No difference between the two years, but my guess is that by the time I want to trade my car in the difference might be more than $300. Bill
as the Canadian backlog seems to be pretty well over, I can only assume that a build date after the end of Sept 04 would be classified as a 05. The selling price a few years down the road will probably be more dependant on condition and total mileage more than model year. They also had one on the lot in Pentiction the last time I was up there.
Another thought, as the car wasn't officially available in Canada till mid November last year they might be holding the 2k5 till then. But lets be realistic there were horrible backorders in the US so most production was going to that market. Most of the dealers in Canada didn't even consider the Prius a car till everybody found out about them via the media. And I still haven't' seen a Prius ad on tv or the print media here in Canada only info is on Toyota's web site.
I'm a bit grumpy that they finally included the Nav in the Canadian 05, most likely because of all of the complaining from the 04 buyers... But I'm not going to trade-in a one-year old car just for nav (especially when I already own a standalone GPS). But at least when I trade it in for a 2007/2008 Prius, I'll get the full package Dave.
My car's driver's side label states that it was built in Sept 04 and my vehicle (based on VIN) is classified as a 2005 model year. Also, you made a good point. Come to think of it, I haven't seen a Prius ad on tv or in magazines either.
Anything built in Sept is an '05. I think Dianne said the west coast started getting '05 mid-Sept. Takes awhile to putter over on the boat The plate on my '04 has an 8/2004 mfg date
I took delivery of my 2005 Prius on September 15. The manufacturing date is August 2004. The only difference is in the VIN.