:mrgreen: Date Ordered: September 2003 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Toyota Carlsbad, Carlsbad, CA Timeframe given for delivery: 6-8 months Color: Black Option Package: BC # 9 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: ? After waiting since September, my Prius is due to arrive at the dealer by February 28th. In December, I was offered a black Prius with ivory interior; but I rejected it, due to ivory upholstery being too easily soiled. I held out for the grey and burgundy interior. Getting the exact Prius I wanted took longer, but my wife and I will be happier in the long run. I can now sell my 1990 Volvo 740 wagon with 90,000 miles. My old Volvo would't die; I just got tired of looking at it. I hope my new Prius proves to be as reliable.
I also had to wait more than 5 months for mine. Like you, I opted for the gray interior. I just got it two days ago and all I can say is that the wait was worth it. FYI, the gray interior really matches the dash and door trim very nicely. Good luck on your Feb 28 due date.
I am expecting the exact same car from Kearny Mesa Toyota any day now.... They have a TRAC car for those interested...