cairo94507: Please stop picking on only, the car audio industry and they are being single out here, I have an extremely big problem with them anyway (Sound Pressure Loudiness). ~ Absolutely no noise from any Construction sites! ~ Absolutely no more Tractor Trailer and J-Brakes, no found in place on our tables! ~ Absolutely no more Motorcycles wining from (hybrid and non-engines) and exhaust systems. ~ Absolutely no more Cars and Trucks wining from (hybrid and non-engines) and exhaust systems. ~ Absolutely no more Hot Rods wining from (hybrid and non-engines) and exhaust systems. ~ Absolutely no more Emergency Vehicles wining from (hybrid and non-engines) and exhaust systems. ~ Absolutely no more Ship Horns wining from (hybrid and non-engines) and exhaust systems. ~ Absolutely no more Sporting and Expo's that required a loud-speakers. ~ Absolutely no more sportings events that required a loud-speakers: BBall, Baseball, Football & Vehicles. ~ Absolutely NO MORE CELL TOWER's for you extreme environmentalist and why extremely, is hurting the well being of the all mammals and the human's can not hearing the frequency hurts the "Bee's" and pollenation of food that we eat even if its Organic THAT I love to eat. Everyday noise that hurt my ear's even wearing protection now and compared, to my car audio of the past. Governments need to help with put safer standards and ABS Plastics, an sound deadening equipment plus silencer on exhaust systems "SuperTrap Silencer Muffler at the end." " THE BIGGEST QUESTION, I HAVE A PROBLEM AND NOBODY LISTEN, THIS WILL BECOMING AROUND THE CORNER AND BUSINESSES WILL BE HURTING AND SOME WILL HURT MORE THAN OTHERS, if they change now instead of, later. " This would create a major lost and would need, to help the industries and supply safety training and monies.