I notice that it takes us longer to complete routine tasks, particularly on weekends due to the number of people asking about the car. Today my audience were firstly an eighty two year old woman who "loved the lines of the car" because it looks so different, but she does not think she's ready to part with her 15 year old Nissan! the second a retired autoworker, itching to get a test drive! Lots of in depth questions which I handled well I think. He asked how my husband liked the car. It gave me great pleasure to tell him that he likes it so much that he has one of his own. In our part of Ontario, ( Canada that is) getting a test drive can be difficult. I was about to buy the Civic Hybrid although a Toyota dealer offered to order the car for me prior to having driven one. I was able to find a dealer in another city where one of the staff was driving a Prius of his own and allowed me a test drive. I fell in love with the car in the first five minutes (although I felt disloyal to Honda there is really no comparison between the two cars) We struggled by sharing one car for three weeks before hubby ordered his and now we have a pair of late 2004 Silvers sitting in the drive way. :lol: :lol: We look forward to many happy hours of driving fun! Gidda
Get them keyed alike and then "who cares?" Unless like my wife, one of them is a bit loose about leaving junk in the car.
:lol: That's right Fortunaltely they are very different , having been delivered in different cities. Both their names derive from the licence plates though "Ava" mine and "Wiz" short for a Terrific Wizard derived from the helpful sentence SO devised to help him remember his licence. I have yet to drive his but we are on the road tomorrow to visit family and I'm promised time at the wheel!
Gidda, I think it's great that people are taking such interest in your car. I'm a little taken aback that someone would ask what your husband thinks of the car. I can interpret that question as meaning "men know more about cars" or "would your manly-man husband be seen in this car?" Though I'm probably reading too much into it. I'm sure you do a wonderful job fielding the questions and make an excellent spokesperson for the hybrid future.
:lol: ( replied to Tony on Sunday afternoon but the computer ate my response.) We needed to buy two vehicles because we had been out of the country for over four years. I tool advantage of the internet, researched my vehicles and decided on a Civic Hybrid(I've driven Civics for over twenty of the last thirty years) Last May I was home and wanted to test drive. The Civic Hybrid was OK but because the price of the PRius was so close to the Civic I decided to try that one too, not easy because there were non in stock in my area. I finally found somewhere about 150km away which had an enlightened staff member who allowed me a test drive and I knew this was the car I wanted. I returned to Cairo and left an order for delivery in early September. SO looks at cars as a means of getting from one place to another. (He's only had four vehicles since 1967 , the last being a Toyota passenger van he drove until it could go no more) He was thinking about a Caravan or something to assist him moving the necessary materials for the renovation work we are doing on our home. For complex reasons my car was the first to be bought on our return and this gave SO time to drive it and be pleasantly surprised about so many features of the car It is the first vehicle we have owned which we can both drive in equal comfort. It has responded to the challenge of hauling things to the dump and carrying supplies from the lumber store. All this before taking into account its energy conservation and emission control features. We are generally "low tech" but the high tech nature of the car is not over facing! I was very surprised when I overheard him telling our daughter that he'd talked to the local Prius dealer and could have a car of his own in a week (Now I could have said that we could really do the conservation thing and have only one car , but our location out of town really does not allow for that. Hence the matching Prius on the driveway! Gidda