Day 1: Picked up my Prius at 1:00 and drove it home. Spent the rest of the day playing around with the touchscreen and taking pictures. That night, I took over to a friend's house to show him. I usually go over there on a Sat night and just walk in because he's expecting me but this night I rang the bell. He slowly opens the door not knowing who is on the other side. He sees it's me and does a bit of a double take and asks "What's up?". Before I can answer, he sees the car in the driveway and says "Oh! You got it!". We go inside and he goes down the hall to the bedroom to tell his wife (She had been waiting for me to get this car almost as excitedly as I have). I hear a scream issue forth from the bedroom. I then proceed to give them a drive in it (The mother and daughter are in their bedclothes). Day2: Take it to work for the first time. I show the ladies in the office the car (You can see the parking lot from the office windows). One of them asks me "Do you plug it in?"(I've only had the car for a day and already I get the "Where do you plug it in?" question :roll: ). It's a cold and very rainy morning so no one really want's to go out and look at it. During my afternoon break, it's only misting so I drive it up to the mezzanine to show everyone. I had the hood open and the doors open to show everyone what's inside this thing. Our quality engineer was astounded with the SS/SE feature and the touchscreen. Day3: Someone at work who I normally don't talk to all that often stops me in the hall and starts asking me questions about my car. During lunch, I drive my boss to the Honda dealer to pick up his wive's car. He was astounded by the energy screen. Day 4: Nothing much happened. At night, drove to the theater to see if I could attract any attention. No bites. Day 5: Went out to the car to listen to the radio. On my way out, there were a couple of engineers ahead of me. They walk by my car and one of them notices that it's a Prius. Of course, it pained me to have to show it off again! Day 6: Morning: Got a hold of another friend and asked him what he was doing at the moment. He said that he had to drive to Newtown for about 20 minutes. I, of course volunteered to take him in my new car. He asks me what I got, and I answered "A Prius" which he replies "Cool". Later on, I realise that he didn't know what a Prius was. I get to his house. It turns out that he had to go to the cable company to replace a defective box. I open the hatch for him and let him put the box in. When we close the hatch, he sees the HSD symbol in the back and then realises that it's a hybrid car. We get in and he is like a kid in a candy store. Day 6: Evening: I go over to my friend's house (the first one) and he hands me a piece of paper. I unfold it and realise that it's a receipt from the same dealership that I got my car from. He's buying a Prius now. :clap: He's getting a Seaside Pearl with everything. I think that I should get a percentage. Day 7: My uncle comes over to see the car. I've been expecting him since he immediatly comes over whenever someone gets a new car. I'm just suprised that he didn't come over the day that I got it. I take him and my father out for a short ride. My uncle couldn't believe the car and my father was amazed at how comfortable the ride was in the back seat. Day 8: Found a suprising feature I didn't know that I had when I started the car up and the headlights came on immediatly. It turns out that when I was showing the car to my uncle the night before, I had accidently left the lights on. It looks like the car shuts off the headlights after a few minutes if you turn the car off. I'll have to remember to check the headlights when I get out. That's my Prius diary so far. BTW, I'm averaging around 46 miles to the gallon so far.
fun adventure isn't it. BTW, the headlights shut off when you open the drivers door with the car off. Not exactly DRLs, but it'll work.
congrats man, the attention never goes away either. While it may die down a bit, i still get the occasional: "wow, is that a hybrid?" "Where do you plug it in?" "How much mpg do you get?" etc Have fun, and congrats!
Congrats on getting your car Porky. You will notice there are several nice light features. As you already found out, the headlights are auto on/off if you leave them switched on. They turn off when you get out. I don't remember if it is when you open the door or close it. In addition, if you come up to the car at night (SKS) and stand near it, even without reaching for the door handle, the interior lights come up. Not flash on but 'warm up'. They stay on, I don't recall how long for the default setting. Certainly long enough for me to get settled and buckle up. They dim to off when you push the power button. I think the interior lights will also turn themselves off after a few minutes if you leave them switched on (ie not off or 'door') and leave the car.
Congrats from me, too. The lights that do NOT go out by themselves are your dome (map) lights over the front seats, and the one in the rear hatch. I have found myself doing a little (okay, a lot) extra cleaning on this car at the end of the day, and as I stand admiring how the interior lights dim out (just like some other Toyotas), occasionally I learn I've left a light on. As soon as you can, go ask your Toyota salesman if he's heard from your friend with the Seaside order. When he says your friend placed an order, politely ask what your referral bonus is. Most dealers are happy to give you $50 for each new sale. (or wheel locks, or whatever you want) Lately I've been getting a new type of question and very little plug-type questions. The new one is "How does it switch back and forth between ICE and electric power (or words to that effect)?" They are amazed to learn that it happens automatically, and several (up to 30) times a minute.
Oddly enough, I have never gotten this question, though I've shown the car to dozens of people. The most often heard unenlightened question I’ve experienced is, “How fast can it go?â€, implying that the Prius is unable to maintain highway speeds. My answer to this question is always, “How fast do you want to go?â€.
Something odd happened to me yesterday when I powered on. The air conditioner came on as per usual (I never turn it off) but it was on full blast. I don't like a lot of air noise when I'm in the car so I never have the air higher than "medium." So what happened? Why would it put itself on high? Maybe the car was hot and decided I was too? Congrats, by the way! I'm sure you love your new car as much as I love mine!
Most likely. If you had it in Auto, it was probably trying to bring the cabin temp up/down to the previously requested inside temp.
Funny how people get the famous question, "Do you have to plug it in?" I honestly didn't think I'd ever be asked that question, but sure enough... I picked up my '05 #BC(6) Driftwood Pearl at 7pm on Thursday last week and drove it straight home. Friday morning at 7:30am, my first stop in the new car was to transfer my workplace parking permit to the new vehicle. I got out of the car, took three steps, and was immediately approached by a married couple whose first question was, "Is that one of those hybrid cars?" followed by, "Do you have to plug it in?" It was a rush explaining to them how the car worked (and I'm sure that only us Prius owners could possibly fathom how that could be a rush :wink: ) My other fun experience during the first week as an owner was when I pulled up to a stoplight and the engine automatically shut off, as designed. I looked at the rear view mirror, and saw a guy on a small motorcycle behind me. Apparently he heard my engine shut down. I saw him roll his eyes and shake his head as though he thought I had accidentally killed the engine. He seemed puzzled as the light turned green and I drove away in stealth.