<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Jul 5 2007, 04:56 PM) [snapback]473650[/snapback]</div> i love mine. iT's all part of my iLife. And i can't see any reason to not injoy it. Sure i might change a bit, and i might not notice iT at first. But come on, i think that with my iPhone, i am capable of many other iThings. i really do, all kidding aside, injoy iT.
You missed... "I'll get one when they're no longer locked to AT&T and the price comes down." If I ever got a cell phone, I'd get an iPhone. But it wouldn't be for years. By that time it will be bigger (more gig), cheaper and won't be tied to AT&T. How many years? That is the question.
I'd consider it if it were $299 and offered with T-Mobile. I won't sign up with Cingular/ATT ever ever ever.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveLeePrius @ Jul 6 2007, 02:41 AM) [snapback]473880[/snapback]</div> I read that ATT has a two year deal on being the sole carrier in the US. I have them for DSL and home phone and it's too bad they suck in more ways then one. Mainly in the customer service department.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jul 6 2007, 02:31 AM) [snapback]473878[/snapback]</div> I agree with you. The moment VerizonWireless gets it i am there with two changes in the current phone: 1. at least a 60gig HD 2. 3G internet access or EVDO My cellphone is my life - and if i can get everything combined in it - great
A link to one of the articles I read re distribution rights appears below. As do many others, it states that AT&T has exclusive rights in the U.S. for *5 years* and Apple is prohibited from developing a CDMA version during that time period. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/wireless/2007...;t-iphone_N.htm
It seems like a neat looking toy but I already have a cell phone with about 20 months left on my two-year contract, a month-old Garmin Nuvi, a 1-year-old iPod Black, a Palm Zire, and a Blackberry (for work). I don't think really think I need an iPhone since I already have all the capabilities I need with all my other devices, which I can't trade in, and I wouldn't want to switch back from Verizon to ATT/Cingular.
It's a phone, cordless, wireless. a cell phone . I liked my old bag phone the best but traded it in for a candybar style cell phone , that crapped out after many years of abuse and use, I would not have "upgraded" to a very small flip phone. ( too small IMO) As long as it can make a call that's fine, and have good reception. If you want to take pictures use a camera, if you need to watch a movie rent one or go to the theater. I think you all get my point. Then you have Bluetooth, I see people (kids, teenagers mainly) walking around in the store just talking up a storm, and then if you are in a checkout lane they look at you funny because you can hear their conversation and they say " hey don't listen in" I told one boy I was going to tell his parents what he was up to. He appolagized. But talk about rude, I think the cell phone created more rudeness. sorry, was not really the subject here but
Why do people hate AT&T? I get great service, never miss calls, and frankly, having tried out Verizon, and T-Mobile, (both of which sucked eggs around here), AT&T has been a gift. And it's not just $500 or $600 for a phone. It's $500 or $600 for a mini computer, and an iPod, and a phone. A good phone can cost $200, a iPod can cost $250, or more, and a Apple Mini costs $600. So you are getting more for your money when you think about it that way, and also portability. It may not be for everyone, I will say, but I happen to love it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Jul 5 2007, 04:56 PM) [snapback]473650[/snapback]</div> overhyped yuppie toy, like the Xbox360, PS-3.... It feeds the egos of the purchaser, Well I have a Corvette & a iphone! What do the women say about a man in his 40's driving a ferrari? It's an extention of his manhood.. :lol: Same thing its just a new fad.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Jul 6 2007, 10:48 AM) [snapback]474015[/snapback]</div> I have a cell phone. I have an iPod. I have a digital camera. I have a Palm PDA. I don't need to duplicate. At least, not for six hundred bucks!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Jul 6 2007, 12:45 PM) [snapback]474068[/snapback]</div> If you did not have all that, and wanted all that, then the iPhone is a great deal. IMO, of course.
I got a free 8525 last month and no need to get iPhone. Someone will write an emulator, just like someone created a prog called pPod for pocket pc/smart phones.
I don't like it because it's too big. They try to have it do everything, but I never need to do all those things at the same time. If I'm out and about I need a phone, but not internet access. If I'm exercising I want my iPod but I don't want to carry an enormous gadget that does twenty things I don't need. IOW, I very seldom need all it's functions, and including all of them in one device creates a gadget larger than I want to carry around with me all the time. I will never buy the present iPhone. Maybe some day there will be a gadget the size and weight of my iPod mini that does all that stuff, and then maybe I'll decide it's worthwhile.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Jul 6 2007, 11:48 AM) [snapback]474015[/snapback]</div> I think it looks like a great product, but here (cingular / AT&T) sucks badly, I have a few friends and their phones constantly drop calls, (they say the commercials lie). I rarely lose a call on Verizon here in Ohio. It may happen once in about 3 months time. Not once a day or two like a few of my friends. But on the other hand my buddy swears it is his Motorolla phone and not the service because he said it didn't happen when with his previous model. Either way it is an iPod Nano $200 (4GB) $250 (8GB) cool Cell phone $99 and it is not a mac mini, there isn't much more a web browser can't do, when it can burn DVD's, play video games, work your office suite like your PC, download bittorrent, etc... then you can say it is also like a mac mini. When the price gets around $300 and my regular iPod dies, I may think about it, even if I have to go to the dreaded ATT, but until then I'd rather save my Cash.
If Apple didn't make it, I might actually consider it (would be cheaper, have fewer features that I don't need, be less proprietary in nature, wouldn't require me to interface with Apple sales and service staff, etc.) Apple's just a bit too consumer-y and entertainment-y to suit my personal tastes. Too flashy and reliant on eye-catching product design, too.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priussoris @ Jul 6 2007, 10:39 AM) [snapback]474008[/snapback]</div> You obviously are not the target market if you think that bag cell phones are great. :huh: I thought the same until my company got me an Blackberry Pearl because I traveled to Europe about 60 days a year. Yes, separate items work better if all you need to do is one task at a time but the Blackberry did it all in a tiny package. Before the Blackberry I had to carry the following: Laptop, Camera, PDA, IPOD, Calculator, Cell Phone and all the chargers and cords for each. I replace all of this except the laptop with the Blackberry. I could have gotten rid of the computer too but I used it if I needed to view or send large attachments. Do you know how much weight and room that saved me in my messenger bag? If the flight is delayed no problem, just check status and rebook online or wait and surf the web. Plus, the reception in Europe is great because they are all on one standardized network instead of every company having a competing network. I literally got data transfer capability in TINY little towns that wouldn't have cell phone coverage in the US. The transfer speed was 2x what we have here even with my US spec blackberry and they have some phone that download up to 6mb per second!. Now that I am no longer with that company, I'm back to a standard phone and it SUCKS. I could get a smart phone but I'm too cheap to pay $300 to $500 for the phone and $100 per month for the service when reception is so spotty and slow here. (This is from someone that didn't have cable until 1 month ago) So yes, I love the IPhone and would get it if I was willing to pay the money for a smart phone. I had AT&T with the Blackberry and had similar network service and reception to my wife's Verizion phone so that is not an issue for me.
This post is being written on my very new iPhone! So far I've had mine for two days and my overall impressions are positive. The thing is not perfect, but the things it sets out to do well it does extremely well... The web browser alone makes this device something special. The stuff it doesn't do so well are not deal killers in my opinion it your mileage may vary. I'm actually pleasantly surprised that the keyboard works well, and even after just two days, I am able to type this message to you using two thumbs at a very decent speed. It's not for everyone, but it is what a lot of us jaded cell phone users have been looking for for a long time.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jul 6 2007, 04:42 PM) [snapback]474223[/snapback]</div> It seems like what you are looking for is a Windows smartphone, given your priorities. Personally i see both form and function from Apple's products, but if you are not interested in entertainment features, then i see your point. Although you mention the Apple staff as a negative, the alternative when dealing with any other cell phone would be to deal with the carrier's staff. Is that really much better? I have had nothing but aggravating experiences dealing with Verizon or Cingular directly to buy a phone or get something fixed.