<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Froley @ Jul 6 2007, 05:55 PM) [snapback]474365[/snapback]</div> I like your quote.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Jul 6 2007, 08:49 PM) [snapback]474353[/snapback]</div> I have also mentioned this on many occasions, but again, there are documented cases of whole tribes knowing Christ, with out His name ever being mentioned. There is the famous case of a tribe that had one verse, on a burnt piece of paper float down to them, (John 3:16), which never mentions Christ, and that tribe, when found were English speaking Christians. I have faith in Christ for what I know is true in my heart. And I don't need a book, a Bible, to tell me otherwise. My 'disservice' as you put it, has actually brought more people to the teachings of Christ then you might expect. I put out, on a Monday through Friday basis, a little newsletter that goes to over 140,000 people. In there, I speak plainly, about my boring life. But for some, not only is my life something worth reading (heaven knows why), but they, the DIN faithful (Daily Irish News), the DIN faithful love my take on Christ. I just make it easy to grasp, IMHO. Religion, man, and all that goes with it has screwed the simple message of Christ. Christ, I am sure, never said 'It is written'. That was as common a phrase back in the day, as 'eat my shorts' was a short time ago. Same with, 'Let he who has ears, listen.' What was said by Christ, and what was not really said by Christ, could fill books. As to winning people over to Christ? Could not care one way or the other. It's not a game to win or lose in my view. It is what it is, which to me, is just passing the Message along. Let others decide for themselves, what they believe, or not. Christ was not about winning people to His cause. Case in point: How simple, really simple, would it have been for God to just wire us all to believe, and end the speculation as to His being real. But Christ, did not do that. Even on His cross, when He could have pulled a great Houdini, did He do that. He let people think He died. He let people walk away, crying, that their 'king' was dead. At that point, wouldn't it have just laid all doubt to rest, if He got off that cross, in full sight of everyone, and then proceeded to say, 'Told you so!' to all those who doubted? Some day, long after I have traveled to my final point, I really believe that finally, 'Christians' will get it, and stop trying to believe they are right, that others are wrong, and that Christ loved us all, and did not want any to suffer, not one bit. It's His message, of Peace, Love, and Understanding that I want others to see. To embrace. To fully realize, on this mortal plain. What a wonderful world it will be, when all man just let others do what they want, when they want, and not condemn one another because we don't all see eye to eye.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Jul 7 2007, 02:15 AM) [snapback]474514[/snapback]</div> How then do you explain this? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Jul 7 2007, 02:15 AM) [snapback]474514[/snapback]</div> Can you show me something that proves your point? Because I see something different here. And honestly, Christ was laying the foundation for the era following his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection during his life, so that after his resurrection he would win others over to his cause. Honestly, though, if you're just going by your word, and not the written Word, then you're really following the teachings of TJ. If the Bible is so full of flaws then why do you try preaching it? I honestly and truthfully believe that you are a wolf in sheep's clothing; that is, you, posing as a man of God behind the pulpit, teach people that the Bible is flawed - that is far more damaging than an atheist claiming God does not exist. The atheist is external. The believer who is taught that the Bible is flawed receives a cancerous word placed in their heart, which will eat their faith from the inside out. It may not happen today, or tomorrow, or 10 years from now. But, when their life is empty and all you've given them is this teaching that the Bible is flawed, and you try to use it to comfort them, mark my words: they will cast off the Bible and the words you give them because you've taught that it's 'flawed'. Your attitude and mindset towards the Word reflects what Christ spoke in Matthew 7:15-23, and this attitude about the Bible can shipwreck the faith of others. TJ, in all honesty, I'm not calling you out as evil. I think you do great things in Christ's name. However, if you want to be the shepherd, then having faith in the Word, where Christ's and God's message is found, would only help you, not hurt you. Wow. I think I've been a great help in pulling the thread away from it's original message - for which I must apologize. I honestly don't want 'hate sermons from the pulpit'; I just want to see messages of repentance and sermons that deliver powerful conviction. I don't want 'warm fuzzy' sermons mandated by Federal Law by any means. That hearkens to the current state of China.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ozyran @ Jul 7 2007, 08:32 AM) [snapback]474574[/snapback]</div> Let's get some things straight: I don't want to be a shepard. I don't want the job. I don't seek comfort in some flawed book. I have comfort in Christ, which has no 'book' that He wrote. I never once said I preach on the Bible. I said I preach on Christ. It's not the 'church of TJ' it's not even a church that I seek. It's just harmony with one another, with no one version of religion winning. Since I found out that 99% of what is spoken from the pulpit is to preach hate, hate of other religions, hate of what you fear, hate of being gay, hate of being something other then white, I gave up on that. Christ is universal, and should be looked on as such. He is not just for those who believe in Him, He is for all. You asked me, to explain a verse. How can I explain what you quoted? It's from The Nearly Incomplete Version, The NIV. It's man who interprets, often incorrectly, what Christ said. They, the early translators, often put in their own spin on what He may or may not have said. When they wrote the New Testament years, many years after He rose, they assumed some of His speech. It's not a big deal, but it goes to the point: The Bible is flawed, and has been, and always will be. And those who want to believe it is not, fine by me. I don't care. But I for one, won't just blindly follow it. Christ was not here to win others to His cause. Again, if He wanted to, He had the opportunity, right there, on the cross, to just come down off it, stronger then ever, and wipe out His enemies, with one mighty call to heaven for His angels. He could have, but did not. He did not need to do that, since by His humble actions, He spoke volumes. I for one, will never be 100% sure what He said, but I know what is in my heart, and that is not evil, nor is to be a sheep in wolfs clothing, since that implies I am lying to get people to agree with me. I don't care if everyone thinks I am a loon, or if people think I am the devil. It's what is in your heart that you have to deal with. If you are comfortable with the way you follow Christ, then fine by me. If, however, you find yourself questioning things as they are, then that is a path you must follow. For thine own self be true, as it were. People ask me all the time, 'how can you preach the Word, if you don't believe it?' To that, I just say, 'I don't need to believe in the wind, to know it's there. I don't need to see it, to know it's there. I just feel it.' It should be that way with Christ. You should just FEEL it. No need to artificially prop it up with false platitudes and words that often just cause more discontent, then content. If all 'Christians' just loved one another, and did not preach on how 'we' should hate those who don't believe (which is often done, you know it), then the true meaning of hat Christ said would be shown clear. By His light are we known, those who follow Christ.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jul 6 2007, 02:19 PM) [snapback]474248[/snapback]</div> Who would have thought, that buried within the pages of a car site, there could be such nuggets of modern wisdom?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jul 6 2007, 08:01 PM) [snapback]474327[/snapback]</div> So if they are new conservatives what did they used to be?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jul 6 2007, 07:48 PM) [snapback]474321[/snapback]</div> I'm sorry if I offended you. You said you didn't see a relationship between mainstream Christianity and critical thinking. I see the connection -- and seek the connection. I don't know where you get your information -- for ex., if you formed your impression of mainstream Christianity from TV preachers, your conclusion would be correct. I was simply pointing out that there is an abundance of critical thought within mainstream Christianity, and pointing you where to look, if you were interested. You can go get those books and burn them for all I care. You said: That said, shall I give you a list of authors who, some say, refute effectively the worth/purpose of mainstream Western religion as it is currently structured...and then have the *audacity* to tell you that, "if you'd only read their work, you'd come to your senses and forsake God?" Actually, Dallas Willard says that mainstream religion has got it all wrong and explores a way to get back to God. Not that I'm recommending you read him or anything, for heaven's sake. Don't read him. I forbid you. I personally believe that if I learned more, I would understand more. I study every day. I don't study to confirm what I know, but to learn what I don't know. I have been around here since the end of March. I doubt I'll keep hanging around -- too much of the same old, same old shrillness and canned liberal "thought." And no, I'm not in the entertainment business. I'm guessing this personal attack was not a compliment. In denouncing me and what you perceived to be my insults, you certainly did unload enough insults of your own. What this site has done for me is open my eyes to the blindness and hatred that is out there. The sealed minds. The groupthink. The mass silliness. (And no, I'm not talking about from the pulpit or even radical fundamentalists of any type.) I am watching in horror, but will soon quit wasting my time.
Bigotry in all of its forms (and there are quite a few) is the problem. There is far too much hate, and hate leads to an enormous amount of suffering. Fear (of a variety of different things) is the root of the hate. People are so afraid of the invalidation of their personal world view that they hate those with a different one. There has been a lot of talk in this very thread of "Christians". But even within christianity there are very different points of view that have lead to quite a bit of suffering. People seem so wrapped up in the immutability of their religious texts that they completely loose site of what's really important. Most of JC's better ideas have been lost in a sea of minutiae. People would rather burn each other at the stake over the most insignificant details of the Bible than get the better messages out of it. The baby has certainly been thrown out with the bath water. This is certainly not unique to christains, we're simply focusing on them because that's what we know. It's yet another egregious defect in the product marketed as "human beings". One thing that has always baffled me is how anyone could think that humans are the pinnacle of creation. If that's true it's a pretty harsh criticism of the creator. Sadly, that sums up organized religion quite nicely. It shouldn't be that way, but see the comments about the product above. It's also the result of arrogance and domineering nature of christianity in the present and past (hopefully not the future). Christians are reaping what they've sown. My hope is that eventually all of the labels will go away and that religion (i.e rigid dogma) will fade away and be replaced with individual spirituality.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ Jul 7 2007, 04:05 PM) [snapback]474738[/snapback]</div> You mean bigotry, such as summing up all the historic failings of Christians and pinning it on the whole group? Though perhaps you are right. Tomorrow after our church service we are sneaking across the street to burn the infidel Methodists. (They set off a bomb in our parking lot last week.) Next week we are going after the Catholics. We would take on the Baptists, but there are far too many of them and quite a few are armed. I am so sad that so many people here have had bad experiences with Christians. If your church has bad theology, tell them you think so and go somewhere else. If you believe that Jesus is different from the person Christians tell you about, go seek him on your own. He's already looking for you! If you are personally attacked by a Christian, please tell another one of us and we will stand up for you. My church has built and supports an orphanage in S. America. We've also partnered with an inner city church and we are working together to improve the neighborhood school, mentor students, find jobs for parents and regularly have a trash pick up day in that somewhat scary neighborhood. I could go on and on. I have personally been the recipient of much love, kindness and care -- to the point of feeling overwhelmed that I could ever deserve such unconditional love. But excuse me. I've got to go to the grocery store. Burning Methodists is a great way to toast s'mores. One question: In what way are we keeping you from your individual spirituality?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jhinton @ Jul 6 2007, 08:19 PM) [snapback]474425[/snapback]</div> I will agree . . . you do have a problem. <_< A preacher being duly elected into government does NOT break the separation of church and state. As much as you would like to believe that the separation of church and state outlaws "religion in politics" - it doesn't! So, I'm guessing you would have had a problem with Senator Revels? :huh: He was an ordained minister, and, GASP ~ . . . gave "one of the most impressive and eloquent prayers that had ever been delivered in the Senate Chamber". He was also a Republican from the bible thumpin' south. http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodi...l?index=R000166 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiram_Rhodes_Revels Yes, you may be trying to simply, logically, follow our constitution in a strict interpretation . . . BUT THANK GOD . . . strict atheistic interpretations are also wrong. Democrats tried to prevent Senator Revels from taking his place in the Senate. As far as I know, not because he was a man of the cloth, but because he was black. That was the way people thought back then. Nowadays bigotry also hides in the form of political correctness. You wish to ban from government service those with different moral and religious ideologies than your own. You also wish to prevent the American Indians from demonstrating their culture and religion in schools and on other government properties. Bigotry is an ugly thing, no matter which side of the "politically correct" spectrum it comes from. <_< :angry:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(formerVWdriver @ Jul 7 2007, 02:56 PM) [snapback]474756[/snapback]</div> Whether you like it or not there's a lot of historical baggage and now that people can complain and vent about it (without being tortured and executed or fired and exiled) they are. That doesn't make it right for them to stereotype all Christians as facist nutters, but that's how it is. Newton's third law of motion comes to mind. :lol: :lol: Actually, Newton makes a good example. He didn't believe in the Trinity but could never say as much because it would have ended his career and possibly much worse. Speaking of protties, look how many different denominations there are. Many of the differences are procedural. Baptists were persecuted in Europe because they didn't perform infant baptism. I never said "you" were. I just think that we as a species would profit from not labeling and dividing.
Religion scares me. Any kind of religion. Because it has a unique ability to instill hate and fear in people, as well as a misguided sense of superiority. Living in the 'Bible Belt', I get to see lots of evil done in the name of God. My grandfather was born in 1904 - illegitimately. His mother, trying to be a 'better' person, took her son to church when he was a child. Once. The good people of the church spat on them and ran them out of the church. He never set foot in one again. My aunt is a preacher-follower. When a preacher says tv is a sin, they trash all their tvs. The next pastor comes along and says it's not a sin, so they go out and buy more tvs. The same with makeup, haircuts, etc. Her family believes every religious rumor... Harry Potter is evil... stuff like that. They are also HUGE republicans, for the simple reason that the republicans have aligned themselves with the religious right. My aunt thinks Michael Moore is the spawn of Satan just because he doesn't portray George W as a saint. Oh, and her youngest child is gay; they take smug, perverse delight in telling him that he is going to hell. It is common knowledge around here not to buy from a local used car dealer that openly advertises that he is a Christian, as his business practices are decidedly shady. Many local Christians are like that - it's like they have a 'get out of hell free' card or something. Lying, cheating, stealing... it's all good. When I was a child, my parents took me to church regularly, every Sunday morning and night, and every Wednesday night. I got to observe the pastor embezzling money from the church, the deacons having mistresses, and other tawdriness, while always hearing sermons on how awful the rest of the world was. I got to hear how sinful the world is, while seeing all the sins of the congregation simply swept under the rug. I heard sermons vilifying our public school teachers and how they were teaching our young people foul language and bad morals. One of the teachers most vilified was my 8th-grade teacher. He was a wonderful teacher, and never uttered a bad word, but to hear our pastor, he was evil incarnate. I've seen plenty of hate pour from the pulpit, as well as stupidity, and most of it is blindly followed by the mindless sheep of the congregation. I have witnessed the degradation of local women whose families were involved with very patriarchal sects. The religion which loves the 'women submit unto your husbands' verse, but conveniently skip the following verse about 'men, love your wives as you love God' (paraphrasing here; I certainly don't have it memorized). I actually see this as a form of hate toward women. Yep, religion is a scary thing. The Bible can't be taken literally (really, it can't), and it can be interpreted in millions of warped ways. People warp it to fit what they want, and will fight tooth and nail to convince everybody else that they are right, and think everybody MUST believe just like them. And that's how we get things like suicide bombers (believe like me or I will kill you). Organized religion certainly doesn't seem to be much about love, but hate... yeah.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(You me and da Pri @ Jul 8 2007, 12:08 AM) [snapback]474923[/snapback]</div> I believe every word, and I am very sorry. No, I'm angry. These so-called Christians obviously drove you away from the faith. The church will always be filled with sinners, but it doesn't have to be filled with judges and hypocrites. But what should the church do with its own sinners? I know they used to "call them out." My great aunt told me about that -- you went out dancing and they found out, they called you to the front of the church to confront you. The church does nothing, and then you get the experiences such as you had where you witnessed embezzlement, adultery, mysogeny, and the fact that it wasn't confronted was appalling and nullified whatever was said. I could go on and on about submission of women. (And it would be in All Caps.) You and I agree -- as do a bunch of other Christians. Our senior pastor is a woman. She laughs about how she once raised the dead. She went to a hospital to visit a woman who had been non-responsive for a week. When our pastor touched the woman and introduced herself as a minister, the non-responsive woman suddenly sat up in bed and said, "You! A minister! You can't be!" For what it's worth, we have children born out of wedlock in our church. They are accepted fully, and a good many people understand the difficulties the mother faces and give her extra help. Please know that not all Christians -- even in the Bible Belt -- are like the terrible examples you cited. Organized religion can be a powerful and evil force. Or it can be a force for great good. Bless you. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jul 8 2007, 12:24 AM) [snapback]474938[/snapback]</div> I'm not even going to that link because I can tell by the card more or less what I'll find. Christ's message was about grace. Those who are fixated on hellfire and damnation sometimes seem to be worshiping Satan, they give him so much power and attention. There is a cosmic struggle, but I know who will win.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(formerVWdriver @ Jul 8 2007, 08:29 AM) [snapback]475012[/snapback]</div> No, you can't tell. That's a real shame. Because it's about how the parody card came to be created. You've prejudged based on a shallow glance at the card. You didn't even bother to read the story and see if it contradicts what you've been saying or supports it. "In April 2000, I wrote a story about feng shui (pronounced "fung schway"), which is the Chinese art of "placement". Those who truly believe in the practice will tell you it's about "energy flow" which leads to harmony, health, and prosperity. The way I see it, it's a common-sense approach to arranging one's environment so that the people in it are more comfortable. Whatever; here's the story as I wrote it: I See the Light! The British Tomato Growers' Association encouraged its members to try using feng shui, an ancient Chinese practice to create harmonious environments by channeling energy flows, to increase the yields of their gardens. That didn't sit well with two employees at Arreton Valley Nurseries on the Isle of Wight. "It put me in conflict with my faith," complains Martin Kelly, who quit the nursery and took his son Paul with him. "I'm not working for a farm that openly claims it relies on a power other than God." (Reuters) ...You mean like the sun? The opening page said something about a reader telling me I was going to hell for writing that story. Now, nevermind that feng shui is decidedly not a religion; it certainly isn't "anti-Christian". Anyway, there are two groups of professionals that seem to be overrepresented on True's distribution list: lawyers (now there's a group that needs GOOHF cards!) and the clergy. Of the hundreds of pastors who get True, do you know how many complained? Right: none. But a few readers wrote to tell me the story was "anti-Christian". One was a woman who used the screen name "Santa", who wrote: And just who do you think made the sun? I'm not the only one on your THIS IS TRUE list that believes in God. In any event, you should not write blasphemous things when sending out your e-mails. The [story] is grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred and there was absolutely no good reason for you to write it in the first place. Sure there is: it's a lovely smile toward people doing silly things, just like the thousands of other stories in the This is True series.) But Santa's not done: God... forgives you, I'm sure. You just know any better [sic]. Get back to me some time after you've had a near-death experience and let me know then whether or not you believe in God. Ah, the old, arrogant, "there are no atheists in foxholes" rant -- which also presumes what my beliefs are (or aren't). But I digress; back to Santa: God is watching you -- I don't have to. Gee, thought it was Santa Claus who is watching me, making sure I'm good! Anyway, like an idiot, I thought this woman signing her name as "Santa" might be moved that True's Official Consulting Pastor, the Rev. Rus Jeffrey, senior pastor of Fresh-Wind Ministries in Rochester, New York, not only didn't object to the story, but told me he "laughed out loud" when he read it. Not a chance: Please have your "Senior Methodist Pastor" e-mail me personally on what he said to you. Gosh, how "Christian" -- apparently her immediate assumption is I'm a liar? But Rus did just that: he confirmed that he loved the story. So Santa sneered to him: Dear Rev. Rus, (yea, sure -- and I'm Santa Claus), you have to admit is that a grave sin was committed against the First Commandment by inferring that the sun is a god. [HUH? -rc] If you do not know it, you need to go back to the seminary and study some more theology. Why would anyone believe what Randy says when he can so freely can commit a grave sin against God. Just because Randy is a friend of yours, is no reason to side with him and damn your own soul into the pits of hell, which is where you are heading. Jesus is God. And finally to answer Randy's question "did it ever occur to you -- you who insist that God made EVERYTHING -- that God made feng shui, too?" Yes, Randy, I did think of that, but feng shui is not God and neither is the sun. Clearly "Santa" has been going to church for a long time -- she has learned how to talk respectfully to a man of the cloth. (Of course, I'm sure it's just some sort of cosmic coincidence that "Santa" is an anagram of "Satan", but I digress.) You read the story; I'm not sure where she got the idea that I said the sun was a god, but you have to remember: she's a fundamentalist -- therefore she is right. Uh huh. The funny part of this is the timing: Rus happened to be at my house when this unfolded, because at the time he was back in seminary. He already had a Masters degree in Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, at that point, but his congregation thought so much of him they paid for him to attend the Wagner Leadership Institute in Colorado Springs to get his Doctorate in Ministry. Each semester, when he flew in for classes, I put him up for a couple of days to decompress, get used to the time change, and be rested up so he can focus in class Monday morning. (Gee, "Santa": have you ever put your pastor up for the weekend?) When he was here, Rus and I would often talk about how some people hide behind selected Biblical passages to condemn, yell, scream, curse, and damn others to hell -- thereby driving millions of people away from churches -- rather than treat others with the respect that the Bible demands. So it's ironic to consider Santa's final question of Rus, after Rus confirmed that he indeed is a minister, and indeed enjoyed the feng shui story: A human being should not being saying such things to others, especially a "Senior Methodist Pastor" from THIS is TRUE. That definitely was not very Christian of you!! Was it??? Look in the mirror, Santa, and ask that question again. In This is True, I can smile at the foibles of politicians, criminals, school officials, landlords, cops, military officers, students, bus drivers, athletes, farmers, animals, royalty, conservatives, liberals, and everyone else but Christians, because if I dare suggest that they are human too, a few crybabies will stamp their feet and shake their Bibles at me, sputtering with quivering, anonymous voices that I'm going to hell. What a sad example of Christianity indeed. To be sure, in the grand scheme of things complaints from just a few people now and then is not a big deal; what gets me is that they're not a thoughtful "I disagree with you, and here's why," but rather "our merciful God is going to condemn you to suffer in hell for eternity because you do not believe the exact same way that I do." Santa is of course right about one thing: a lot of my readers do believe in God. Luckily, most use their beliefs to enhance their own lives, rather than use them as a weapon to try to condemn or control others. Luckily, most people who believe in God also believe that He has a sense of humor, and know their personal beliefs are not the only way to think." Now, which are you?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jul 8 2007, 12:01 PM) [snapback]475061[/snapback]</div> You're right -- I shouldn't have prejudged without going to the link. There are just so very many links and so very little time. No time now, for instance.
Those that cling to the immutability of it (as if that's really important) object most vehemently to challenges (or even questions).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jul 7 2007, 09:24 PM) [snapback]474938[/snapback]</div> We hand these out all the time Dear Hubbs even got the water bottles... Anyway, it's nice for us, as pagans, as we can show it to book-thumpers and say, "It's covered, thanks" (been there, read the story, are Premium subscribers, etc., etc., etc.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ozyran @ Jul 7 2007, 07:32 AM) [snapback]474574[/snapback]</div> You can try to figure this out on your own, or I'll just tell you how it is. TJ made up his own Jesus based on how he feels at whatever point he's feeling something. He preaches it, and it pretty well follows the DNC platform of the day, so don't try to reconcile his Jesus or Christianity with the God of the universe or the Jesus Christ of salvation. TJ's is totally different and only confuses you by trying to use the same names and labels. There is no power in TJ's message or his god that he made up. The best evidence of this is how popular his message is and how little resistance his Jesus gets from the athiests on this board. They love his message and could hang with his made up Jesus because his made up Jesus lacks the condemnation of sin. Anyhow, good luck with wearing your fingers out trying to somehow make sense of TJ's made up god.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Jul 9 2007, 11:56 AM) [snapback]475534[/snapback]</div> My God is God; Christ almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth. Not made up. Sorry you feel that way. I suppose that because Christ is one who loves all, (as He has said), that HIS message does not have enough hate and condemnation for you, obviously. The 'power' of my message does not come from me, since it's NOT my message at all, but CHRISTS message that I speak to the truth on. If you find that there is no 'power' in that, then you find Christ to have no power. As to the 'DNC platform', what is that? As I am a registered Republican, I would suppose that I don't follow the DNC at all. The best evidence that Christ's message is accurate, (the one I follow), is how people when they hear it, are not put off by it. And speaking of those who on this board who have said they like my 'message', I can count several Christians, and those who believe in God as ones who have told me that they wish more 'Christians' were like me. If by that, they mean that they wish more 'Christians' were self sacrificing, peace loving, non hate spewing individuals, then I am all for that. I also find it fascinating, that when I do mention how I believe (you know, that Christ is about peace and love), and how inaccurate I find the Bible, that my views generate more bile and hatred from 'Christians' then atheists. THAT alone should be telling. So, Daron, (is that your name?), I will respectfully wish you a lovely day, and I don't (nor would I), hate you for your different POV. It's your prerogative to have. May God Bless you.