I got screwed! (in the tire, that is)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by ttait, May 22, 2007.

  1. ttait

    ttait Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
    Southern California
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    So, I have a new Pkg 6 Touring and last Saturday I'm washing and waxing it in the driveway, and when I go to move it into the garage, I noticed that the tire pressure sensor lite was on. Hmmm, says I, I wonder which tire is low (since it's not visually obvious). So I fired up the compressor and checked all four tires and the left rear was at 22 psi.
    Did a visual inspection and found that a drywall screw had made its' way into the tire treads. I filled it up my preferred pressure (38psi) and called my dealer to see if they could repair the tire. The service department said they were pretty busy and wouldn't like to keep me waiting for a few hours just to repair a tire, and that I could take it to any tire store and they could repair it. I was concerned about the pressure sensors but apparently, that's no problem.
    Well, I ended up taking to Express Tire where they told me they could and would repair the tire for free. (I have been a previous customer of this store)
    After about an hour and a half or so, I'm getting a little impatient and walk outside to see what the progress is on my tire. My Prius is still jacked up like a dog at a fire hydrant with no one around it. After a few (like ten) minutes the manager comes out and makes a little small talk, and then says the machine that removes tires from the wheel had destroyed my tire and they were looking for a replacement! He was very apologetic and said they were calling all over town to locate an identical tire.
    He was unable to locate a tire for me that day, or yesterday (monday). He said he should get one in today from Los Angeles. I've been driving on a doughnut for the past four days. Has anyone actually looked at their spare? The rim is YELLOW!
    So, the point of my post. If you have a touring edition, be aware that the tires are a rare item, not easily obtainable at least in So. Cal.
    And in hindsight, I should have waited at the dealers service department.
  2. Marlin

    Marlin New Member

    Jun 20, 2005
    Bucks County, PA
    2005 Prius
    My father recently had a tire replaced at tire store (can't remember which) and they broke the pressure sensor too.
  3. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    :rolleyes: Hi ttait

    Sorry to hear of Express Tire's damage to your tire. It is necessary to remove the tire to properly repair a puncture so they were correct to remove it. The Bridgestone Turanza tires on the Touring Prius are not a commonly stocked tire size, thus the delay.

    With TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) becoming more popular and, in fact, becoming mandated equipment on all 2008 new cars, tire stores will learn the risks of dealing with the sensors mounted on each rim at the base of the valve stem. On the Prius, if in removal of the tire the sensor is damaged, you must take the car back to a Toyota dealer to have that replaced sensor programmed to the Prius' computer. I have read reports of a cost of over $200 to replace one sensor.

    Hope Express Tire can find your replacement tire in short order.
  4. ttait

    ttait Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
    Southern California
    2017 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Advanced
    Well, the good new is my tire got replaced today with one ordered from Toyota in L. A. They called me that it was in and by the time I arrived, it was already mounted on the wheel and ready to go. I asked the tech to make sure the tire was inflated to 38psi and it was. After it was mounted the manager came out and apologized again. I told him that **** happens and he did right by me. The tire tech that tore my sidewall has been 'spoken to'. Needed more training, I would surmise.
    Since I'm driving to Los Angeles tomorrow, I'm really glad they got the replacement today.
  5. filiberti

    filiberti Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2004
    2012 Prius
    yep , also got a nail in my rear tire , press too was about 20 psi.
    I patched it myself with one of those rope cords gooped with rubber cement
    and force it into tire with special tool . It was quite easy with these goodyear
    tires . So far it holding pressure . only 2500 miles on the 07 , first nail I had
    in about 5 years :angry:
    Oh forgot to mention I was impressed the light came on quite quick as I was going down driveway, Did not have to drive a mile or so as I thought you had to . I had tried to test this sensor before by letting out 5 psi but now i know that is not enough to trigger sensor . I am now a fan of tire inflation monitors .
    I keep my tires at 35 psi and am satisfied to be getting 48- 50 mpg.
  6. KTPhil

    KTPhil Active Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    Good tire stores do not use plugs anymore. They remove the tire and patch the inside like we used to patch tubes. This prevents moisture from the air in the tire from seeking it's way to the steel belts and rusting them, causing a catastrophic tread separation failure later. A plug also creates a stress pint, and the plug can come out.