I found the old threads concerning setting the SKS system to unlock ALL doors when you reach for the drivers side handle. You push and hold lock and alarm on the remote for five seconds. I tried that, I'm pretty sure it was more than five seconds, and heard no beeps, nothing (except that the car did lock). Didn't change any settings. Did Toyota change the system on the 07 or am I just not doing it right? Thanks.
I did it on my '07 a couple of weeks ago. It took me a few times but it finally works. It seems like I had to hold it for more like 10+ seconds.
Just did ours a couple hours ago and it worked. We had a problem when we first got the car and it would just beep like crazy when we tried to use the smart key buttons on the outside. Turns out the extra key fob was inside the console so it won't lock the doors with it in the car.
Worked fine for me. Just follow the instructions in the manual. I much prefer the convenience of having the driver's door sensor unlock all the doors. However, for the folks in crime-plagued areas, I can certainly see the wisdom of the driver-door-only mode. - Justifyd
Well call me old fashioned but i actually think the gentlemanly thing to do is get my wifes door when we are out together if im by myself then i only need one door open however i really wish they had a separate button for the trunk just my 2 cents worth