Guess Bush's ratings were so low already they thought they'd get the pardoning out of the way so that by the time elections rolled around most of the hubbub would be past for the rest of the republicans. I guessed wrong on this one, I thought Bush would have the decency to wait until the end of the term. I over estimated him, clearly.
To be absolutely accurate, Scooter was not pardoned. His prison sentence was commuted. He remains a convicted felon who will be on probation for two years and has to pay a fine of $250,000.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jul 2 2007, 04:02 PM) [snapback]471867[/snapback]</div> Actually, his ratings are so low that only the right wing true believers out there still approve of him. There is a possibility that [edit]<strike>not pardoning him</strike> sending him to jail [\edit] might alienate some of them, and make them slip further... [edit]IsrAmeriPrius, you are of course correct. I have corrected my post accordingly.[\edit]
Commuted vs. Pardoned in this case seems like a pointless distinction. Scooter will still have his powerful friends whether his conviction stands or not. According to that article, Bush's reason was that he thought the sentence was "excessive." I guess that whole "jury of peers" and "justice system" thing are inconvenient when it's your buddies who got caught. If only we all had the power to say "no, I don't think my friend should go to jail."
true, he was not officially pardoned, but i'm not sure how a measly $250,000 (which i'm sure he can get from the folks that raised millions on behalf of his defense fund) and a 2-year probabtion will affect him. sure, he's got a felony record, but again, how will that affect him? maybe he won't be able to practice law, or become president of the U.S. Even without the felony record, he already ruined his reputation in terms of integrity. he'll likely make money by selling a best-selling book about the situation. (i'm not arguing with any of the above posters, i'm just saying that it seems to me that his sentence was reduced to a slap on the wrist. not a good example the president is setting when it comes to issues of national security. just my 32 cents worth.)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MegansPrius @ Jul 2 2007, 07:47 PM) [snapback]471933[/snapback]</div> LOL!! :lol:
Payoff. Bush couldn't wait until the end of his term to pardon Libby because Libby's appeal was denied. He was looking at jail time. I'm sure the deal was that if Scooter kept his mouth shut he'd never serve a day in prison. His silence probably relied on it. So the only thing our Moron in Chief could do was to commute the sentence. What gets me is he used the same justification that got Paris Hilton 23 of her original 90 days. "The sentence was too harsh." Must be nice to be rich and connected. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ Jul 2 2007, 06:10 PM) [snapback]471873[/snapback]</div> Big whoop. You really think that "punishment" fits the crime? Just because all of the other criminals got off, Scooter should too?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jul 2 2007, 04:02 PM) [snapback]471867[/snapback]</div> corrupt does'nt even come close--- these guys think the law is for other people Froley
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mad Hatter @ Jul 2 2007, 03:13 PM) [snapback]471875[/snapback]</div> It's an Inconvenient Truth that this, the latest shuffle toward the lowest common denominator reflects badly on all republicans. By allowing the corpacracacy to ruin their party they have forsaken the privilege of governance for decades to come. Still in the first decade of this century, reasonable people will have plenty of opportunity to reshape our government, mores and society before there is a potent opposing force.
And none dare call this treason? Outing (under orders!) one of your own covert CIA agents for political retribution? I hope it will be a while before the Republicans live down their breathtaking support of this truly neo-Fascist President.
Maybe this'll be what's needed to rejuvinate the true "Grand Ol Party". To give them the guts to slap down the Christian Conservatives that seem to be pulling the strings on this latest bastardization of the republican party I grew up learning about. Maybe I'm just living in a fantasy world if I think the beltway can be reformed.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jul 2 2007, 08:54 PM) [snapback]471975[/snapback]</div> Don't worry. If anyone says anything they'll just bring up Bill Clinton....again.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jul 2 2007, 09:00 PM) [snapback]471980[/snapback]</div> Think there's any water left in that well?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jul 2 2007, 06:02 PM) [snapback]471867[/snapback]</div> Haven't you been paying attention? During the past six years, if there has been an obviously good choice and an obviously bad choice, the smart money has been betting on Bush choosing an unforeseen even worse third choice.
and yet the two border patrol agents who were only DOING THEIR JOB remain in prison...... in isolation.... UGH! bush is such a FREAKING IDIOT!
I'm excited for Republicans to say how happy they are about Bush handing out this "justice." They're building their own mausoleum from the inside out, and this is looking like one of the finishing touches. They don't give the voting public credit for being able to recognize that this guy is getting special treatment. People do recognize it, and it will show, come election time.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PriusMatt @ Jul 2 2007, 07:24 PM) [snapback]471884[/snapback]</div> Keep in mind that there is still time for a pardon. Commuting his prison term does not prevent Shrub from pardoning Libby at a later date. The current move keeps Scooter out of prison while he pursues his appeal. If his conviction is overturned, all the better for Bush. If it isn't, Bush can still step in and wipe the slate clean with a pardon, conveniently done after the mid-term elections. Tom
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ichabod @ Jul 2 2007, 09:11 PM) [snapback]471992[/snapback]</div> No. It won't. Those that support him will still support any Republican. Did you read of any Republicans making negative comments regarding Scooter's get out of jail free card? No. All of the critics were Democrats: Edwards, Obama, Dodd, Pelosi. Democrats will vote against any Republican. they don't need to remember this to help them decide. They decided a long time ago. And those in the middle....have a short and piss-poor memory. Otherwise how would he have been RE-ELECTED? They'll just vote for the next doofus the Republican party puts up and supports with billions in campaign ads and smears by various covert Swift Boat groups. doesn't have to be true, you just have to say it A LOT.