Driving home in a stretch of two-lane road, I checked my rear view to see a white Prius directly behind me. After following me for a little while, she moved into the left lane. A little while later, after some speed control on my part, we came to a stopsign at the same time. I looked over, all smiles, and waved ready to lip "nice car." SNUBBED!! :cussing: :Wth: I suppose that not all Prius drivers are as welcoming as most of us here. To that point, I also saw Driftwood just the other day. I saw him coming at me but it wasn't until we were just about to pass that he saw me and there was a "hey! looky there!" expression on his face and a quick wave. :wave: But the snubbing hurt.
Chill Tony, she was probably married anyway :lol: I am pretty darn sure that if you were next to my wife (as if she ever drives our Pri) she would be looking straight ahead while you were frantically trying to catch her eye. :roll: On the other hand, I'd have been giving you the "Thumbs Up" while still driving behind you! I'm the one that always says, "HEY! There's a Prius!" even though we've still seen less than 20 "in the wild."
i find that a lot of people today are just driving something with a motor and 4 wheels that gets them to their next destination. they could not care less about what anybody else is driving as long as it doesn't make contact with their transportation appliance. a shame some think of their prius that way.
Really?? She was VERY friendly with me...kept flashing her cell number at me and all..... :wink: :wink:
I have had "Flo", a salsa BC, since early August and have not had a single wave! :| Even passed another salsa yesterday going the opposite direction and nada... :roll: So what up? Maybe some other cities are friendlier...I always thought Denver was real chummy!
There are so many PRII here in Northern CA that if I waved to them all I would look like the Queen Mum riding in a parade waving to her subjects. I see every year, every color every day.
That little Wth guy is funny! There are 4 other prii around town and if I ever run into one of them while in my own, I'll be sure to smile. The 'prius wave' would require I take a hand off the wheel and it's much too soon for that!
If I see another Prius on the road, I will gladly smile and wave! I would think all Prius people are happy people. But I rarely see other Prius people in the Atlanta area. Where are they all hiding?
Gota love those Southern Gals...for the wave I'll give you 10 pts AzyA... <wink> Also because I lived in Atlanta for five years, complements of Denny's Restaurants... Bob Andersen
Along the same train of thought, I had a Honda Insight driver honk and waive to me recently. The Prius drivers just ignore me.
The guy who originally took me for a drive in his Classic Prius moved to another state last year. Another guy I used to work with owns an Insight but moved to yet another state. As such, I don't have any personal friends I can hang out with and talk hybrid, but in their memories, I honk, wave, flash lights, and smile at every Classic and Insight I see.
The increased production is cutting in around here. I see a prius other than in my work parking lot every other or so. That does not include classic Prii as I don't always spot them. In my work parking lot we now have 6 that are there on a daily basis. 2 classics and 4 third generation. I think that we will have 2 more as soon as they are delivered. I love to park between 2 SUVs. A few days ago we had 4 Prii all lined up next to each other. There is also a Honda but it is not a regular.
Remember that if you wave at a woman, she may think you are interested in her, rather than in her car, and respond (or not!) accordingly. I'd wave at anone who waves at me, for whatever reason, but I've got my eyes firmly glued on the road, and am not likely to see anybody waving. In 10 months, I've seen 2 Prius in the wild. One here in Fargo, and one in Albuquerque. In Albuquerque I was a passenger, and free to look at cars all around.
I was SNUBBED... leaving the grocery store yesterday... a Tideland was coming into the lot, lights on must have been a #9 as the lights were blue.. I waved and this lady driving.. just gave me the 'deer in the head lights' look... NO wave, No smile...just the deadpan look... I was so stunned I didn't even notice if the car had plates... now I know how Tony felt <tear> Bob Andersen
Well, I saw a woman in a silver Prius today. Was about to wave until I remembered what daniel and TonyPSchaefer said.