"PORT HARCOURT, Nigeria - Europe's great powers once scrambled for dominance across vast, underdeveloped African lands rich in raw resources, including the scarlet palm oil used to grease the first cogs of the industrial revolution." "A century later, a new group of nations are competing for a different valuable, viscous material, with Sub-Saharan Africa closing in on the Persian Gulf as the prime overseas supplier of oil to the last remaining superpower." "As China and India increasingly prospect for resources here, terrorism concerns rise and the U.S. military seeks a permanent military presence in Africa, the continent has its greatest international influence in decades. " http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070630/ap_on_...B5YReM9KIIE1vAI
FINALLY. . . A reason to invade Africa. It's about time; I was beginning to think we would never make inroads into this continent.
It's a sad state of affairs with corruption and greed at the expense of the people in Africa. Per the article, after the Cold War, "Overseas governments began insisting good governance be linked to aid.", which has caused African countries to look to other countries, such as China, for aid without the requirements of such accountability. "At the same time, the United States is also ramping up its influence in Africa. After the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, diminishing reliance on oil from the Middle East has become a stated goal of the U.S. government." "Washington recently announced it intended locate a permanent military command for Africa on the continent."