Married to a person of the Asian persuasion, I've eaten kim chi (or "chee" or whatever) off and on for 25 years. But suddenly it's escalated into a gallon-a-week binge, going on its 4th week. It's fueled by a woman in Davis who makes it at home (in her bathtub?) and sells it from a special cooler in the Asian-food store she runs, appropriately enough named "Kim's". (However, she is not Kim; she kept the name of the previous owner for the store.) It's the best kim chi ever, depending on exactly what stage of the fermentation process it's in when you buy a jar---but you can't tell by trying to read the bubbles. If it isn't "finished", you have to be a little patient with it, which isn't easy if you've already consumed the last jar. Anyone else like kim chi?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jun 30 2007, 09:37 AM) [snapback]470624[/snapback]</div> Does the health department know?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jun 30 2007, 11:37 AM) [snapback]470624[/snapback]</div> Ahhh. My nose is wrinkling up at the memory of traveling across Korea in the back of a deuce-and-a-half in the spring when they dig up the kimchee pots.
My parents taught me "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." What were we talking about?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RonH @ Jun 30 2007, 11:25 AM) [snapback]470645[/snapback]</div> My apologies. I hated those bloody things (deuce-and-a-halfs). What MOS were you?
Love the stuff! We visited our Daughter who is teaching in Korea and I ate it 3 times a day. Was it better than anything you can buy here? Well of course! And so was the Sushi in Japan as you would guess...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ Jun 30 2007, 08:43 AM) [snapback]470628[/snapback]</div> A man after my own heart! I wondered the same thing as soon as I spied her cooler. There are NO "nutrition" labels on any of the jars containing the kim chi, but there is one sort of generic label (of her own format) on the edge of the cooler door. I suspect she has an arrangement with the Health Department. Davis is a classic college town of about 60K folks, and a decidedly Asian flavor. Heavily Asian student body and the biggest bicycling city in N CA. Tons of Priuses, naturally. Passing 20 miles from Davis to Sacramento is akin to going from day to night. darelldd might have his own thumbnail description, though, as we know, he might be shy about expressing it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jun 30 2007, 06:37 PM) [snapback]470624[/snapback]</div> I like it a lot since my childhood as our neigbours were koreans. Usually I buy it in a japanese store (they have a korean corner). It is not home-made (defenitely not in a bath tub), but very tasty.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ Jun 30 2007, 01:54 PM) [snapback]470671[/snapback]</div> 24 Foxtrot, C battery, 1st Battalion, 44th ADA - "1st in the vill, last on the hill"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RonH @ Jun 30 2007, 04:07 PM) [snapback]470741[/snapback]</div> Cool. What kinda ADA? I was 13F/13P in the CO NG C Btry, 1/157 FA (155mm SP and then MLRS).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tripp @ Jun 30 2007, 05:20 PM) [snapback]470750[/snapback]</div> Hawk missiles. "How do you tell which are ours, if they turn of their IFF? We shoot them all down and sort them out on the ground, sir"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jun 30 2007, 12:37 PM) [snapback]470624[/snapback]</div> Ahhh! Now you've got my mouth watering---haven't had it in a few years. Used to work with a Korean guy; his wife made her own, and I had dinner at their home once; fantastic food! Also, we had a little carryout place near the office (a former Olley's Trolley, if anyone knows of those.) Run by a Korean woman, one item on the menu stood out from the burgers, fried fish fillets, etc.---bulgogi sandwich, topped with kim chi. Served with spicey fries. I scarfed down dozens of those, if not hundreds, in my 2 years at that job! ('tis a wonder I have a stomach left, today.) Not sure I'm a gourmand at it, however, to know great from poor... I just know I like it spicey, sour/tart. (Literally, my mouth is watering, typing this!) Time to find my nearest Asian market! Though I do recall, you suffer certain, um, nuisances, near the end of the digestive process Postscript, added later: Too funny, that my status finally went from Rookie Prius Poster, to Prius Poster---on a post unrelated to Prii
I realize it's an acquired taste. I just happened to have some today (really!). I still haven't acquired the taste.
Oh yes, but have never had old world original as it sounds like you are getting. Just recently been turned on to "preserved Vegetable" from a Honk Kong market that carries a wide variety of all Asian specialties. I will have to look in the "backroom". I like the shredded preserved vegetable now as compared to the whole maybe it's because of the look it has whole..LOL
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Jul 1 2007, 04:37 AM) [snapback]470624[/snapback]</div> My wife used to have a lovely linguistics graduate student who made kin chi at home and brought in pots of it for us regularly. Have not had any of comparable quality since. But I also miss our door-to-door tamale man too...
The gym I go to has several treadmills. I will not run next to Mister Kim Chi....quite frankly he stinks badly. Nice guy but he stinks. This is because he eats A LOT of Kim chee. My wife and I will move to weights, cycles or elipticals if this guy is anywhere near us. It is that bad. The smell alone plus the fact that in your case a bathtub is used grosses me out. I am hispanic and I will not eat Mexican homemade cheese made in somebodies bathtub...period. That would be like making soup in the whirpool / hot tub at the gym. I presume this lady uses her bathtub from time to time....yuck! on a purely bacterial level....double yuck.! No sebaceous soup for me thanks.
Never heard of it. Looked it up on Wikipedia. Looks interesting. But the term "staff of life" I've always heard used to refer to bread. I'd try it if the opportunity arose, as long as it is not slimy and doesn't stink. I ate huitlacoche once. It is slimy, and I very nearly couldn't keep it in. My Mexican friend on that occasion ate it with gusto. But she is insane.