Hi Gurus! The technical customization manual makes reference to a passive door locking mode where turning the 2G Prius off and walking away with SKS will cause the doors to automatically lock (no button pushes needed) after 30 seconds... But the customization manual doesn't really explain how to turn most of these modes on or off! Every once in a while I find myself forgetting to lock my '05 baby and I'd really like to figure out how to enable this! Any ideas? Thanks! Peter+
I think you're refering to the point that if the car is off and closes.. and you unlock it.. it will automatically re lock if the doors are never opened.
No, Pete's referring to one of the settings that the dealer can change. There's a post or two about it somewhere. Again, dealer has to do it with the scan tool they have. I am looking to have mine done for the same reason.
I looked through the service manual and couldn't find anything. This doesn't mean it isn't there, though... If there is no dealer setting, a great mod would be one that locked the doors after 15 seconds after turning off and getting out. (Not too difficult to build such a module). The passive mode on the alarm will kick in automatically, and the SE/SS detection would automatically unlock the doors if the key was in it. Nate
In the repair manual, check out page 01-29. Certain sections of the customizable parameters are addressed in their specific areas of the manual. Passive mode is under Theft Deterrent, page 01-33. I think the owner's manual has it too, but I haven't found it yet.
I experienced the relocking feature once when my wife and I were going out to eat. Carrying the only set of keys, I unlocked the door with the fob and proceded to lock the house. Before getting to the car, she realized that she had forgotten something and I had to let her back in the house. All in all, the whole thing last more than 30 seconds and Priapus had relocked himself. I would think that with Smart Entry, there would be no harm in locking after 15 seconds once detecting the fob is no longer in the vehicle. What annoys me is the inability to "pre-lock" the doors when the family is getting out. My Buick used to allow me to hit the master lock button. Three dings let me know it's engaged. You can open and close doors as you need. But after all doors have been closed for five seconds, they all lock.
I miss the pre-lock ability as well. It is unpleasant to stand in the pouring rain waiting for my family to finish getting out before I can lockup. Shouldn't the car lock itself up (if all the doors are closed) after the fob walks away?
The technology is there. I'm sure it can be done. It just needs a new "rule" in the system of the car. All doors are closed. Fob not in range so lock if unlocked. The thing is, this may cause problems down the line. If you run in to get something from the store or your house while someone waits in the car.. the doors are locked and the alarm sets. that person can not leave the car. It's little things like these that Toyota thinks about.
That "locking itself up" is *exactly* what Passive Mode is. Sigh. Guess I gotta go to the dealer to get them to use the scan tool -- I still don't understand why options like this are so arcane -- why not just extend the "settings" menu in the MFD? And yes, the thought of leaving someone in the car has occurred to me, but in my situation that someone is either my daughter (13+) and I WANT her locked in for her safety or my wife (same thing re: safety) who are staying in the car for a reason and therefore are unlikely to want to get out... Peter+
There's a passenger weight sensor that makes the passenger seatbelt light come on. Passengers in the back seat with none in the front would throw it off though.
I was referring to the pressure sensor and the car's ability to detect someone sitting in the front passenger seat. Something to the extent of: IF the fob = out of range AND FrontPassengerWeightSensor = none THEN lock all doors. Sub-routine: IF backseat = child, pet, or other passenger THEN windows = slightly cracked AND audio = soothing music
Could not agree more. What a waste of potential. "Please service person, can you put your scanner on the car and change some settings for me?" Sheesh Tell them to get out first. If THEY have to stand in the rain waiting for you, maybe they will learn to be a bit faster.
So, what exactly IS involved (or what exactly do we need to tell our fearless techs to DO) to activate the Passive Lock feature? This sounds cool!