Hi all, Yesterday while I was putting on my window deflectors I put the car on accessory to move the windows. I could hear the fan, so I powered off between windows. But then my neighbor started cutting his lawn and after the last window I must not have heard the fan, and the sun was shining brightly on the dash so apparently didn't notice any lights on the display and went into the house. Last night my son got back from Bike Week in NH and I needed to move my car to get his out. When I went to unlock the door - no response. No door light. Pressed power button - nothing. Begin expletives. I knew what I had done then. Since his car was behind mine facing the same direction the jumper cables would not reach. I said no problem, we'll just use your father's Prius. We open the hood and "Where's the battery?" Didn't think of that. So my son gets my set of jumper cables from the back porch (must remember to put them in my car now) and uses the two sets together to reach his 1990 Corolla and I get out my owner's manual and we did it. Started up fine. Ended up driving it around without shutting it off for about two hours. Then I'm thinking - this car doesn't have an alternator, and the manual gives no advice on what to do after starting it up from jump. Reading posts here it seems there are differing opinions about how long it takes to charge from the hybrid battery. Anyone have a similar experience and how was the battery afterwards? Another "learning experience".
I don't have experience to add, but your post made me wonder if the Prius could jump-start itself. I mean, if the 12v battery dies, you still have the HV battery sitting there with a charge, right? I guess you might be at more risk of killing your car, but it would be funny to use one battery to jump the other.
Heh, he was up at Laconia? I was up there last year helping some friends with a band gig, whence comes this picture that I used as an example of the type of enthusiasm and dedication I hoped to see among hybrid owners one of these days. It was funny -- there I was mixin' it up with the Hogs in my prius on the approach roads into Weirs Beach ... figuring that they could make all the noise for me. . _H*
Thanks Galaxee. That's what I thought, but was not taking any chances. Yesterday it started right up no problem, so it it holding it's charge which is what I would expect on a new battery. I noticed that after we jumped it and I started driving it the HV display went to 2 purple bars, so it must have immediately started to draw from the HV battery. But it was soon back to 6 blue. H*, He had a great time up there. Came back sunburned. Maybe someday there will be a group like that when more people get into hybrids around here. Your picture reminds me of the firemen's musters we used to go to years ago with the large crowd. Someone was down at the festival by the lake in Wakefield Saturday displaying their "lime green" ( I assume pine mica ) Prius at a conservation booth. Wonder if it was anyone from here? Wish I could have gone down meet him.
Sounds stupid - but quick question.... I filled up my washer fluid, and since I was in there, I looked for the terminals in order to jump start the Prius if I ever needed to... Where are they? I know the batteries are in the back, but I would have sworn there are jumper points (for lack of better words) under the hood...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rxmxsh @ Jun 21 2007, 08:47 AM) [snapback]465760[/snapback]</div> I'm 90% sure that the manual says NOT to use it to jump other cars. From what I understand: 1. The 12 volt battery needs to not be dead for the car to start -- this is because the magic computer needs to have power for the car to start. 2. The starting of the car is by the BIG batteries, not the 12 volt battery. 3. As such, very little 12 volt power is really needed to run the electronics to start the car. 4. The Big Battery meter isn't reading 0% to 100% -- it's reading something like 40% to 70% (someone will no doubt correct me on this). So when all the bars go away, the battery isn't dead, it just isn't going to let you use any more of the battery.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rxmxsh @ Jun 21 2007, 08:47 AM) [snapback]465760[/snapback]</div> The positive terminal is in the fuse box on the left side of the engine compartment. Any chasis gound point is used as the negative terminal. The fuse box cover can be difficult to remove; there is a catch on the fwd end that can be released by applying finger pressure about an inch below the box top. The top will then lift up and off. CAUTION: The manual is very specific about what order to connect and remove jumper cables. Read it. See jumpstart in the manual index. ----- Harry 2005 super white
From the car's point of view yes. But when standing in front of the car looking for the jump point, it is on your right. In US cars, you can also say it's on the drivers side. (I just didn't want anyone standing in front of their car for half an hour looking to their left of the engine for jump points). -Ken
Thanks kdmorse. I was going to say it's on the right if you are standing in front of the car looking at it. (Then again I am left-handed and do better with pictures than written instructions.) This whole procedure is pictured in the owner's manual but is difficult to both read and do it with one flashlight at night!
Anyone know how to get the red cover over the positive battery post in the hatch off? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hschuck @ Jun 21 2007, 12:07 PM) [snapback]465814[/snapback]</div> Harry, What is a "chassis ground point?" Is that any metal part of the body?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Zoozoo3 @ Jun 28 2007, 07:39 AM) [snapback]469372[/snapback]</div> A solid, stationary, unpainted, metallic point; like a bolt head for instance.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Zoozoo3 @ Jun 28 2007, 09:39 AM) [snapback]469372[/snapback]</div> Oh, that one is a bear to wrestle off. You have to squeeze the plastic tabs *just* right, then it suddenly pops off. Here is a photo I took a few months ago of my VDC Battery Minder charge harness routing. I have plastic conduit covering the charge harness, but removed it for the photo
I know nothing about jumping a Prius, and from what I read, neither do most people. If I went by the dealer, would they show me how? I think this is something every Prius owner needs to know. Should I use my $10.00 Pep Boys coupon to buy a AAA jumper cable package for $19.00 (9.00)?? ARe some jumper cables better than others?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(scoot @ Jun 21 2007, 12:10 PM) [snapback]465774[/snapback]</div> That being so, would a trickle charger provide enough current to start the Prius (one with clamps, not the cigarette lighter type)? A battery powered one would be smaller and lighter than the ones that need to provider starter moter current.
I popped the cover off the fuse box in my '01 (the older style), but I don't see anything that looks like the positive battery terminals I'm used to... Can anyone help? What does the positive battery terminal look like, or is it in a different place in the older model?
Classic Prius does not have or need the dedicated positive jumpstart terminal that 2G has. To jumpstart Classic, you just need to open the trunk and remove the cover on the left side of the trunk trim to expose the 12V auxiliary battery. The reason that 2G needs the terminal at the main relay/fuse box is because the hatch has an electric release. If there's no 12V power, then the hatch will not open - unless you can crawl into the hatch area, remove the folding floor cover, and find the manual release hidden by the black plastic tray over the spare tire.
And removing the folding floor and plastic tray (the 'basement' ) is not all that easy when you are leaning over them! With regard to jumper cables. Standard cables with big clamp ends are HARD to connect to the positive terminal in the engine fuse box. Not much room in there. If you buy something, see if there are any with smaller connectors. You aren't pulling a lot of amps so you don't need heavy duty cables.