[Broken External Image]:http://us.news1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/uc/20041019/lnq041020.gif From one of my favorite comic strips, it made me laugh. :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: At first, I didn't understand why annoying singers was plural. Celine Dion was the only name that sprung to mind. But then I remembered Brian Adams, Shania Twain, Neil Young.... and I realized that cartoon kid is right. Yikes!
Oh, Geddy! Yup, he's another. And what about our pal Leonard Cohen? Love his lyrics, but his voice is soporific.
Yes, but let's look at all the good things that Canada has sent us: Comedians (Dan Ackroyd, John Candy, Eugene Levy, Kids in the Hall... the list is just endless) The best damn donuts anywhere (Tim Horton's) A foreign policy that doesn't piss off the rest of the world
You mean that isn't the intent of our foreign policy? Dang, and I had finally convinced myself that it must be since we are so good at it! It is really only a side effect of our 'leaders' knowing what works for us is best for EVERYONE in the world?
When I read the comic, I thought, "oh gees, Evan you've done it now. Here comes the Canadian backlash of low-cost pharmaceuticals, Colin Mochrie, and peaceful existence.â€
I actually love Canadians... really...but they're just so much fun to tease!! [Broken External Image]:http://us.news1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/uc/20041021/lnq041022.gif
From Apocalypse Now: “the horror. The horror.†Here is a link to Roger's web site, specifically a page titled "USA vs. France". If you don't like Micheal Moore, France, or the truth, you might want to turn away. http://www.roger.id.au/mystuff/issues/france.php
Evan, I've never seen that particular comic strip.... where can I find it?.... I need a good laugh which I'm sure you would recommend for a healthy constitution ( the individual one, that is ). I love Americans too ...my wife says I have to....she's from Indiana. Countries are like family members ... each has it's "official" strengths and weaknesses but inside they are mostly populated with kind, warm human beings who hurt and laugh just like each one of us do. Humo(u)r is good for all of us. Thanks for sharing. Gary :lol:
my homepage is my.yahoo.com. You can customize the page and include 3 comics that are updated daily. The strip is Non-Sequiter...my new favorite since Far Side left us. You should've seen yesterday's...about died laughing--a bit more political than usual for them.
Thanks, Evan, I've book marked that site and have been having a ball looking looking at past strips. Gary
my local paper carries non-sequitur. it's great. and actually, fries with mayo, as they are done there and in europe, are pretty amazing. of course, you can feel your arteries clog right up as you are eating them...
Well, I've gotta be older than you, Dave (mid-40s), and I like Rush (though I suspect their concerts are partially responsible for some hearing loss on my part.) Plus, he did the alternate theme song for Great White North on the Bob and Doug MacKenzie album, years ago. (I still think Dave Thomas is one of the funniest guys around.)
I LOVE Rush, 7 concerts, every album on CD, all the DVDs, solo works, etc... But I admit I was way turned off by Geddy's voice when I first heard Rush, and although I'm accustom to it I certainly don't consider it 'lilting' or 'opratic'!!