We know they're out there. What celebrities can you think of have driven or arrived at an event in a Prius? The ones that I could think of just off of the top of my head: Sting Susan Sarrandon Steven Page of the Barenaked Ladies Gywneth Paltrow Charlize Theron Jack Black Will Ferrell
Steven Page drives a Prius? (Always knew there was a reason I had an all-encompassing crush on him during my more formative years). Now if only I could remember the celebrity bit... Tim Robbins has one.
He weaseled two of the very first Prius to be sent to Canada! One for himself and one for a Canadian environmental charity auction. Pretty cool, eh? I understand Hollywood hypocrite actors and actresses saying they own a Prius while being chaffered in stretch limos all day. Or claiming to drive home in a 50 MPG car after consuming 50000 lbs of JET-A flying coast to coast in their private jets... But Steve Page seems like such a regular guy. It almost makes sense. NEXT time I meet him, we'll chat about the Prius :lol: Oh... unless you own the latest BNL album, the inside joke is lost. http://bnl.w8kc.com
That's all well and good but what about a list of Nobel Prise, Pulitzer Prise winners. While Carman Diaez is cute but I am not sure about following her recommendations on anything. Its nice that such visible people are doing this, but they may or may not have put any thought in to their decisions.
Heh... ask my daughter, Katie. She just got her permit and is looking forward to driving a good deal of the 2500 miles back from CA when we get OUR Salsa #9 PRIUS in a couple weeks. There will be PLENTY of BNL CDs in the changer, let me tell you. Stay tuned for updates.
In my personal (and highly biased) opinion, MYSD is their best "road trip" album (and not just for the title). ("Internet police, what is your emergency?" --" I'd like to report a possible threadjacking.")
Do I count as a celebrity? I've been on tv three times this year. Once actually speaking. (Interviewed by a local tv station at a demonstration.) The other two times, just standing in the background at something newsworthy. People tell me, "I saw you on tv."
I found out that Edward James Olmos had bought his Prius from Norwalk Toyota here in La La land and wanted it delivered up to Vancouver,BC since he was shooting up there. Some one in his camp was to drive it there, but something came up. I was in Norwalk when they got the call to see if the dealership had someone to get it there. Rick Burgess looked at me asked me what I was doing for the next few days I volunteered....HELL ! there was even money involved.... Sadly - their schedule cleared and I was out of luck.
Julie Packard, executive director of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, California. Julie is the daughter of Dave Packard, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard. ok, not the most famous celebrity...
[font=Comic Sans MS:81a4181efd]Linda Gray. I just received an email from Toyota with the subject line Hybrid Synergy View It was a newsletter that I must have signed up for with information about the Prius and Highlander. One of the articles in it was this one: http://www.toyota.com/hybridsynergyview/20.../lindagray.html Mary Lou[/font:81a4181efd]