If you are a USAA member they will match the Toyota Financial Services(or any other qualified) APR. Additionally, they will give you a 0.25% discount if you set up a automatic deduction of your payment from your checking or saving account (does not have to be a USAA account). Wait there is more - No GAP fee (currently $495)! Our car showed up rather suddenly and we originally used TFS to finance the loan. Now we have done some shopping around and found this to be the best option for us. We are now refinancing. The GAP fee (through a third party, not TFS) is refundable if refinanced within 60 days of purchase. We will see how difficult it is to get back.
I'll second this. USAA matched my best Capital One quote, which included a .2 discount for using Ourisman Chantilly Toyota. The no-cost gap is a very nice feature. USAA is also the best auto insurance company I've found. Perfect score from me. Grok