I just got my new h6315 the other day and I am loving this phone. It has some bugs/quirks, but nothing I can't work around. Here's how to get it to work with the Prius: Open the bluetooth manager Click New Select Handsfree Click Next Click Next Click and hold (right click) then un-check "show only handsfree devices" You should now see the Prius handsfree and be able to add it. Not sure why the Prius doesn't show up as a regular handsfree device, but it doesn't really matter since it works anyway. Couple notables about the phone... The bluetooth turns off if you put the phone in standby (pressing the power button)... The workaround for this is to merely turn the screen off (which you can do by pressing and holding the power button down for two seconds). What I did was download the "screentoggle" utility and assigned it to the voice record button (since I never use that feature). Makes it easy to turn the screen off during a phone call too. Also, make sure you set the phone never to automatically go into standby (power control panel I think). The ultimate would be to use the Screenlock utility (which also locks the keys), but I could not get it to resume after being locked. Another non-Prius related note about this phone is that it tends to crash a lot if you add third party utilities to the Today screen. I'm sure this is just a matter of getting your software updated. So just wait a little while for the programmers to fix it =) Other than the above, this phone rocks! I just put a 1 gig SD card in it and have been using it to play music. My real fun with this phone came when I was sitting in my Prius the other day surfing the web on Taco Bell's wifi... The phone rang and I answered it on the Prius. I continued to surf to conversation-related websites/email and wound up fixing a probliem with our mail server via pocketputty. Thats all three wireless connections at once! Then, just to brag I took/sent my boss a picture of me sitting in my Prius while I was still on the phone with him (it also has a vga/toy camera). What a liberating phone!
Your music didn't come out of the Prius sound system did it? Or if it did, did it come out in full stereo on all speakers?
Can't use the phone's bluetooth function to play music on the Prius. Have to wire it up manually (tape adapter).
I can't dial out with the MFD for some reason. I moved all my phone book entries to the Prius, but they stay greyed out no matter I do. I wish the MFD would let me enter in numbers manually. I don't really care though. I rarely ever used that function with my old phone... Mostly because you have to be parked to use it anyway. Might as well whip out your phone and dial that way. The caller ID still works though... Which is the most important part of the MFD's phonebook anyway.
When I tried my HP from T-Mobile, I was able to receive calls but not make them. Also, when calls came in, caller ID information did not display. I also could not transfer contacts from my HP to the car. I ended up buying a Motorola that works great, although one can only transfer one contact at a time.
The bluetooth stack in the 6315 is geared mainly toward being a headset. Thus you cannot dial using the MFD. That is a minor inconvenience to me because, unlike with my s56 Phone, I can dial using the phone itself. Anytime I would dial with the s56 keypad it would only use the handset and not the hands free. Understanding that the MFD is very useful if one is standing still, I really love the fact that i can Dial using the soft keypad or call up my Outlook and dial from that! Granted it is rare that I do this but I can if I need to call up any number of Speed Dial Choices. I put together a home built powered cradle an installed it next to the MFD so I have the best of both worlds. [Broken External Image]:http://frbillkessler.us/6315.jpg here is what It looks like. I have had a little bad luck with my 6315 but on the whole this for me is a great device. Peace, Fr. Bill
Man that looks like a great cradle... How'd you make it? I'd love to have something like that for my Prius. Also, what case is that? It looks very thin, which is right up my alley. I find that most cases are too thick for my tastes.
Wow - nice cradle! How is it attached to the dash? I'm also very happy with my 6315's performance in the Prius but have noticed an interesting audio phenomenon. I wonder if other 6315 owners see it with their Prius as well. When I make a call, the sound quality is decent (meaning what I can hear, and what others can hear on the other end). However, when I receive a call instead, the sound quality is not so good (what I hear is somewhat lower qualityand what others hear is extremely faint). I have to do some additional testing as this doesn't seem to happen all the time. I was able to test an outgoing call to my voicemail using the Prius as a headset vs. a Jabra250 headset and the calls sounded identical in quality to me. Next I will try to call my 6315 under those two conditions to see what happens (I will let you all know). I'm also going to test the new Blackberry if I can manage it. It seems to be a nice phone - as does the RAZR - and they both probably implement bluetooth more fully than the 6315. I probably won't switch, I'm just curious - even with a better bluetooth implementation I will probably stick with the 6315 (because of WiFi). On another note, is there any way to get the calendar in the 6315 to sync with the Prius calendar?
It should be pretty simple to put together. First you either need to dig up your old parts or order this Kit from arkon. I then used Testor'sPlastic Modelers glue to cement the Power apapter for the iPAQ. I dry fit the whole rig with my case from Piel Frama so I wouldn't have to take it out of the case every time I got out of the car. I let it dry overnight and now I have 6315 bliss. Unfortunately the Prius does not allow the calendar to work with any BT device. Guess that is something they didn't think people would do.
thanks for the info on the cradle - I am going to try one myself and see how it goes. I was able to test the "incoming call problem" with my 6315 and it does indeed to be a problem with the Prius! In summary: 6315 + Prius (as headset) outgoing calls, no problem on mic sound quality incoming calls, mic sound is horrible (caller can barely hear me) 6315 + Jabra250 outgoing calls, no problem on mic sound quality incoming calls, no problem on mic sound quality That rules out the 6315 as the problem... Next I will test other bluetooth phones under the same conditions as the above. I think I can borrow a Sony Erickson for a test and I may be abel to do the same with the new Blackberry. I will post results. Are any other 6315 users having this problem with inbound calls?
h6315 w/ dual bluetooth headsets? Hi Folks, I wonder if you can enlighten me here. I have an h6315, Prius w/ integrated bluetooth and a Logitech Mobile Freedom bluetooth headset. Both the h6315 & Mobile Freedom uses the latest v1.2 bluetooth chipset just in case you wonder. There are not too many v1.2 bluetooth devices out there still. Any way, I paired up the h6315 w/ the Mobile Freedom nice, I have never tried pairing up the h6315 w/ the Prius as I don't know if that would mess things up. Let's say I end up pairing them as well, how do I choose which headset (Mobile Freedom or Prius) to use? From the h6315's bluetooth manager screen? Can I switch calls from one to another on the fly without interruption or hanging up the call? Will the Prius take over the bluetooth connection from the Mobile Freedom the moment I enter the cabin? If not, how do I do this manually without losing the call? How does this work w/ dual bluetooth headsets? Thank you in advance.
hi there - it should be no problem pairing your 6315 with the prius. Just follow the instructions posted elsewhere on this site (I think frbill started that thread) for pairing the 6315 with the prius (basically just deselect the view only headsets option). i have my 6315 paired with a laptop, a jabra 250 headset, and my prius & all work fine. I have even used the jabra headset instead of the prius by activating it before I turn on the car. I do this from time to time when I know I will be receiving a call. As you may know from reading earlier in this thread, my partcular insallation somehow has a problem with mic sound quality on inbound calls (it's not too great on outbound calls either but at least it's not terrible). I'm thinking of switching to the new blackberry but I love all of the pda features of the 6315 as well as the wlan so I'm torn. I will have a blackberry to test soon so we'll see how that goes...
yes, I printed out the step-by-step directions from this forum on how to pair the h6315 w/ the Prius, I will try it out some time soon. Let me know how does the Blackberry compare to h6315 please, I too have been loving the features of the h6315, the only major complaint is that it should have landscape mode built-in, I ain't paying Thunderhawk $50/yr. for browsing sites which are all free. I much rather spend the money on XM subscription. :wink:
I hear you about landscape mode in the 6315... I was able to get it into landscape mode when showing a powerpoint (in slide show mode complete with animations - it was great... I only wish I could use landscape more). On to the Blackberry 7100t... I'm not finished testing the unit I have now but so far it is so good that I am seriously considering switching off of my 6315! But I really want the features of my 6315!! (especially WiFi and the fact that it is a PDA with Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc., etc., plus 1G SD...). Thus, I am torn... Pros for the 7100t so far: * flawless bluetooth operation: connects in 2sec, maintains connection, shows status (signal, etc.) and is controllable from the MFD, and has excellent voice quality * it's a cell phone form factor mostly (so it fits better everywhere)... I might use an iPod holder to keep it mounted somewhere in the Prius * all the rest of the blackberry stuff (my corporate calendar and email are kept sync'd up through over-the-air magic) Cons * the keyboard is a little funky for my tastes (where the alpha chars are, etc.) - somebody over there was a little too clever IMHO but we'll see if I get used to it... one side effect though: I can't spell people's names in voicemail systems now (you'll see what I mean if you look at the keyboard layout) * it's not a PDA!!, doesn't have an SD slot, etc., etc. (this is the biggest issue I have with it...) * it doesn't have WiFi (I want this for hotspot connectivity, voip via skype or sjphone, etc. - actually this might be the biggest issue I have with it). To Do * although the sound was much better than the 6315, I still need to test inbound calls to see what happens with the mic level (based on the jabra test though, so far it looks like the 6315 is the problem here). * I've seen that others have had problems transferring address book entries so I will try that too just for everyone's info (I personally won't use it because I have too many entries to keep sync'd up this way - plus the cell keypad is till usable when I'm driving unlike the MFD )
ok just to close the loop on the to do's inbound calling on the 7100t paired to the prius seemed to have great sound quality relative to the 6315 ... therefore the problem is with the 6315's interaction with the Prius I cannot figure out how to transfer items to the Prius address book from the 7100t so I can't test this (I will still poke around while I have the unit). Decisions, decisions... I think I will go with the 6315 (because of the PDA/WiFi features)... or maybe the 7100t (for everything else). No the 6315 for sure. 7100t 6315! Ack!