I haven't posted in a while about my weight loss progress. I am really psyched!!!!!! I have lost 59, YES 59, pounds since Novenber 15, 2006 -- the day my doctor told me I might have had a minnistroke. I have so totally changed my lifestyle that I hardly recognize myself! I eat lots of oatmeal with skim milk (which just goes to show you can get used to about anything!), severely limit my fat intake, eat tons of fruits and vegetables, try to get 45-50 g of protein a day,and limit my total calories to 1500 a day. And I eat several low-fat Subway sandwiches a week. Plus, I do aerobic walking about 2 hours a day. I'm planning to start pilates soon, but I have real misgivings about my balance and coordination. Oh yeah, did I mention that I also quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago? I still need to lose 40-45 pounds, but I'm past the midpoint. Even after I get to my goal weight, I'll have to continue good diet and exercise, but it doesn't seem too hard. The proof in the pudding will be when I get my cholesterol results back. Peace -- Marjorie.
Good for you! I'm happy for you that you're sticking to it. Cholesterol can be tricky to get down, even with a favorable diet. So don't use that as an indicator as to the efficacy and benefits your new diet and exercise program are providing.
WAY TO GO MARJORIE!!! That's fantastic. I was not able to get back onto my diet after my operations. I'm hoping to drop a few pounds mountain hiking this summer. I'm glad to hear that you are sticking with it and making it happen!
Marjorie- congrats!!! that is just so wonderful that you have the discipline to stick with it. Plus I bet you have a great support team- keep on going!!!!
That's awesome! I used to be 240 lbs, at age 22. I now weigh 162, and want to lose 5 more pounds. You can do it!!
Congratulations! That's awesome! I'm on a weight loss quest myself, 6.5 months postpartum. I've found the website www.-my-calorie-counter.com to be very helpful in keeping track of food/caloric intake and exercise. I just input my meals/snacks and it calculates everything for me.
Wow, what an accomplishment! Way to go. You are proof that with hard work and determination you can achieve anything. I myself need to drop some pounds - started actually going back to the gym.