Saw this the other day on the freeway. As someone who is stll waiting for his prius, my jaw just dropped when i saw this. I had this big urge to just follow the truck and buy the first one off of it... But alas there were other people in the car Hope you guys like the pics
I wonder if the Truck driver has any stories about people stopping him and asking about the prius or where they are going.
My first reaction was," shucks, now everyone will have one and I'll no longer be a unique Hybrid Star" but then when I came down from my selfish perch I'm really happy to see more and more on the road. Now folks can begin to breath easier. :mrgreen:
Perhaps, and just perhaps, a silver Prius is destined to be delivered to Michael Toyota in Fresno. The Internet Sales representative stated on Saturday, 16 October, my vehicle (ordered April 2004) had been delivered to the Port of Los Angeles and the transport driver had taken possession - with three days maximum to get the vehicle to the final destination. Expected delivery (after local dealer detailing) is Wednesday afternoon, 20Â October. Thank you for the photographs.
Make that 2 for Michael Toyota. My seaside pearl is supposed to be there between the 19th (that's TOMORROW, in case anyone was wondering) and the 26th. I wonder if mine is the one on the top or on the bottom? Why is the waiting period between the "it's coming call" and the "it's here call" so much more painful than the wait from the original order date? Brenna
hey ryomatic. yeah ive hot higher res pics... just send me a private message with your email address and i'll send them out this evening. later.