Spikes Spider / Chains

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by kcrocker, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. kcrocker

    kcrocker New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    I know its summer, but I just took delivery of my Prius, so i have some questions...

    Has anyone used spikes-spiders in lieu of chains on the prius? i have a set of the "quick" model from my previous car that luckily fit my prius. i love the spikes and hope i can use my set on my prius.


    also, does the traction control render the car undriveable on snow and ice with chains? we don't get it often, but when we do i typically have to chain up to get home.

  2. rachmaninoff

    rachmaninoff New Member

    May 15, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Saxman @ Jun 21 2007, 12:49 AM) [snapback]465599[/snapback]</div>
    i know lots of places prohibit the use of those items so its probably up to you and where you live.

    If your tires are able to spin in place the prius cuts power to those wheels. I am actualy scared of what my prius will be like in the winter, my prius also being a summer baby. After a nice quatro all wheel drive 15mpg Audi its going to take some getting used to. So any place where your old front wheel drive car-with chains used to spin its tires (like getting up that steep hill or out of your parking spot), imagine the car not allowing you to power those wheels at all therefor letting you slide around with zero steering.
  3. jamesl

    jamesl New Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    Why not just get a dedicated set of snow tires?

    Snow tires
  4. kcrocker

    kcrocker New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JamesL @ Jun 21 2007, 07:43 AM) [snapback]465715[/snapback]</div>
    answering a couple if points at once:
    snow tires -- we just don't get enough snow in western wa to justify snow tires all winter. we do get (yes the rumors are true) alot of rain over the winter here, so a tire with good rain characteristics is essential imo. what we do get is occasional bouts of ice and snow + we have alot of hills. unlike other places i've lived, this is really a "keep your chains in your trunk b/c you'll never know when you'll need them" kind of place. mainly b/c of the ice. the spikes are perfect for the chain up for the last few miles home scenario. we also have mountain passes (interstates) that require chains in the winter...the spikes are just an ez "chain" to install.

    as for not being able to use them -- thats a surprise. i know some areas do not allow studed tires, but i'd be surprised if you could not use these in place of chains. WA allows them as does Oregon so while i'm up here i am OK.

    why not chains -- my alst car did not have the clearance between the back of the tire and the suspension to permit safe use of chains. these were recomended and after a few winters i swore by them. they are also safer to install on the side of an icy road than chains. i could honestly get them on 30 to 45 sec per tire...which meant you were out of your vehicle a much shorter time than putting on chains.

    i will look around for other info on the traction control. my gut is that it is not as bad as losing control on a slick surface but more of you are not going to spin your tires to get going in the prius (which at least for me spinning to get going is usually not effective). my wife has an AWD vehicle with pretty aggressive traction control...for me it was not as connected to the road as my prior lock the hubs and power all the wheels 4WD experience, but if you pretty much pointed it where you wanted to go and just drove you were fine. hopefully the prius is similar :)
  5. jamesl

    jamesl New Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    While a winterforce is more of a snow tire.... A blizzak may be a better choice for you being it's a rain/ice type of thing. Some people swear by them....
