Greetings, I am the proud owner of a 2004 Prius (that grey-green color) with strong environmental leanings. Because of my concerns about environmental policy, I decided to take time off from my job and am now working as a volunteer with the Florida Consumer Action Network Foundation (FCAN is well known in Florida for its strong stand on environmental issues) to get out the vote in minority and low-income neighborhoods. FCANFoundation is non-partisan---we do door-to-door canvassing in key precincts to encourage people to vote, we provide rides to the polls, etc. If anyone in the Tampa Bay area would be interested, please give me a call! We need grass roots activists! Our number is 813-231-0331. Thanks, Renata Lana FCANFoundation
When I was in college in Indiana, I worked in a similar program. It was good to know that I was doing what I could to help people who otherwise wouldn't be able to get out to vote. Shoot, with only something like 35% of the population actually voting, we have to do everything we can to bring those numbers up. The way I look at it, if someone says that Bush was elected by less than 50% of the population vote, they aren't properly representing the facts. With an only 35% voting turnout, he was elected by less than 18% of the population.
Election 2004 is an incredibly important election. We are faced with (1)an incredible deficit-- that is growing daily, (2) fewer and fewer limits on large corporations to reduce pollution, (3) fewer environmental protection controls, (4) an unpopular world-wide war that could continue for 10 years (another Vietnam), (a war that was not entered into with the sanction of the UN and its members and whose members are deserting us in droves...) (5) the potential of a draft, (6) freedom of choice issues, (7) need for stem cell research for Alzheimers disease, Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, spinal cord injuries, and a host of other genetic and non-genetic life threatening illnesses that cost our country billions of dollars every year and many other issues that need to be addressed-- quickly. In addition, keep in mind, that the next president will chose at least 1 member of the Supreme Court. Election 2004 is important, indeed. Folks need to get out and vote. Voting is a privilege. We must preserve our freedoms. PS A highly important question: Why can't we have the "rolling eyes" smiley face as one of our choices???? It is so cute!!!!
You forgot to mention the fact that we have a president who can't form a coherent sentence if someone throws him a curveball question.
True. But one shouldn't be distracted by Bush's personality. It's too easy to ridicule him as a smirking chimp; concentrate on the policies of the administration. His persona, including the bit, is partly a stage act to win the votes of "middle America", and to stop people from taking his team seriously enough.
I spent two hours last night on the phones going through the motions of seeing if people wanted to let me know who they were planning on voting for, and also if they'd be interested in volunteering (of course only if they were supporting Kerry, since I was at a Dem polling place). It looks like I'll be able to take election day as a "Comunity Service Day", where my company offers us up to 8 hours of paid time off in exchange for working community service - and since I have the kick-nice person Prius with the Navi, it'd be perfect for driving people to the polls on election day. Just need to convince my boss, and I'll be all set. Hopefully I'll get to sell a few people on the Prius, too! And, on an aside here that some might not like hearing - I must say that I hold less respect for those not willing to spend 10 minutes on Election day than I do for the staunchest Bush or Nader or LaRouche or other supporter. Saying your vote doesn't matter is like saying paying taxes doesn't matter. One can argue, fairly successfully with the correct points, that one vote doesn't really count for President. But 11 states have initatives on their ballots this year to ban gay marriage (without any need). The term in the House of Representatives is up, and there are 438(?) seats to be decided there - we all know a President is only equal to his Congress. There are also local initatives about tax codes, emergency procedures, local elections, many, many, many other things. Your voice will not be heard if you simply complain about these things on a forum - one must vote to hold those in power accountable, because it really is all we have that keeps the system in check. It'll be here before you know it - 15 more days! Make sure you know your polling location and have your workplace in agreement about time for voting. Please vote! -m.
RFlagg so aptly stated: "Your voice will not be heard if you simply complain about these things on a forum - one must vote to hold those in power accountable, because it really is all we have that keeps the system in check. It'll be here before you know it - 15 more days! Make sure you know your polling location and have your workplace in agreement about time for voting. Please vote!" RFlagg is absolutely 100% correct! I live in Missouri. I have been concerned at the outset that Kerry and his team did not come more than a few times (if that..) to this state-- and then in Sept. Kerry's group announced that they were not going to do any more TV advertising in our state! Bush has been to the state over 28 times! Even Gore did not come often! How does a person expect to win if they do not do it the old fashioned way: "Press flesh! Let folks see you! Let folks say, "I met Kerry!!!!!" President Clinton was a master at campaigning the old fashioned way. I have been concerned for months that if Kerry has "written off" Missouri (I certainly have more faith in Missouri than he does!), what is to keep folks from NOT going to the polls and saying:"Well, if HE feels Missouri is a hopeless state, why should I bother to vote AT ALL?" Historically, there are (or were...) more registered Democrats that Republicans. I cannot say whether that is a true statement today. However, there sure are more middle class, lower middle class. and lower class disgruntled folks in America than upper class "contented" folks. So logically-- there ARE more Democrats than Republicans. But are these folks registered to vote? Are they MOTIVATED to go to the polls and vote? That is what it takes to win an election. So-- how does a person win an election? A candidate must meet people face-to-face and GET folks out the door to vote on election day. Talk is cheap. Actions are a necessity to win this election-- or any election.... Please vote for the candidate of your choice on election day. Voting is a privilege.
LJ, I gave you 10 points! But I admit, I don't know what you're talking about. Here in NH we've had candidates practically camping on your doorsteps. The same thing happens during the primaries. It's ridiculous. I don't give someone my vote because he asks me for it personally. They're asking to run the country, not to be my pal. Kerry has spent a lot of time campaigning lately. I'm sorry he hasn't spent as much time in MO as you think he should. But the issues at stake here are so larger than who makes more face time, and I hope enough voters can see that.