<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ichabod @ Jun 19 2007, 11:37 AM) [snapback]464802[/snapback]</div> DANG! Ichabod I didn't even have a chance to speel check or correct my grammar! I even add a couple hints which you didn't need! :lol: Nice one! Without a doubt I think that image is one of the best I have ever seen. The resolution is crazy for a commercial satellite. Wildkow
Turn on the community tags and you'll see that it's a photo from a National Geographic photographer who was flying over in an airplane. Probably pretty low too. Definitely NOT a satellite photo. Actually, I may be smoking crack, but I thought a lot or most of the images were taken from high-altitude airplanes, not actually satellites. Am I wrong about that? Ok, well, if someone else has one saved that they're dying to share, go for it now. If there isn't a new one up in a while, I'll post again! P.S. The elephants can be found here. P.P.S. Kow, I found your "Fred's Pancake House" post very entertaining. I was mad at myself for not finding that one
Haven't had time to play the last day or so, but here's the latest Complete List of all 90 Landmarks Identified as of noon, Pacific time, June 12
Ok, I'll take the spot. Furtherst medical transport I ever took....Kool aid helped. I think this airport might even be a challenge for airportkid
I haven't searched, but it strikes me as perhaps unique that one of the runways crosses a river. Maybe that's more common than I know, but maybe it's a clue!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ichabod @ Jun 19 2007, 12:33 PM) [snapback]464833[/snapback]</div> Airportkid is stumped good on this one. Runways with bridges are fairly uncommon, but this one has so far managed to stay hidden in Google. And the Airliners.net site has 81 photos of airports on coasts - none of which are this one. Other useful info (that hasn't helped me but maybe it'll help others) - looks like a former military airbase, the old hardstands are visible off to the left of the intersecting runway (if that's what they are), also there's an old terminal ramp to the north, long abandoned. Could be a "one way" runway with approaches flown in over the water and departures flown out over the water due to rising terrain east of the principal runway. If I could read the damn runway numbers I'd be able to tell if Evan rotated the picture - but it's hard to see if there even are any runway numbers. Whatever hamlet is served by this airstrip, it's a small one: the only road to the field is a tiny track leading to a very small terminal area. No hangars - no services. This is strictly a drop off strip today. The Kool-Aid reference took me to Guyana (Jim Jones) but the coastline's the wrong way and besides, I couldn't find anything that looked like it. Given its spectacular location, the fact there aren't any adjacent resorts on those nice beaches argues against this place being near any tourist territory - or it's still military (although a military strip with no facilities is pretty strange). But hold off on clues, Evan, maybe we'll crack this thing with Kool-Aid and perserverance. MB
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jun 19 2007, 11:57 AM) [snapback]464818[/snapback]</div> Hey Evan that must have been exciting how far was the flight? Wildkow p.s. Google Earth + Airports = [click here] but you better have a fast beefy computer.
Attu Island, Alaska. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&...p;z=14&om=1 Been there, done that! Unfortunately I had Adak queued-up as my next image. :lol: Don't think I'll be doing that one anytime soon. No hints yet: (OOPS! First image sucked. This may help.) [attachmentid=9066]
Nice job Envy!! Were you in the Coast Guard in AK? Kow, I didn't actually go on that transport, I was the medical control in Anchorage coordinating the transports from the villages to the Native Hospital. Attu Island is about 1500 miles one way from Anchorage...that's a long way when you're having a heart attack or a serious snow machine injury. The Koolaid, for the uninitiated, would be poured onto the snow packed runways as when the Coast Guard's C130s were coming in on approach in a blizzard it was the only way they could get any sense of where the snow in the sky ended and the snow on the ground (aka runway) began. Those guys are serious heroes....I would try to talk them out of transports sometimes and the SOBs would go anyway...I couldn't believe the things they could do.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jun 19 2007, 09:10 PM) [snapback]465062[/snapback]</div> No . . . Navy Aviation Logistics, EVERYWHERE! :blink:
The Ancient Ruins of Pompeii That one took a little thinking, when maybe it should have been obvious... the amphitheater and arena seemed pretty clearly Roman, and there aren't too many ancient cities that are so well preserved. Pompeii hasn't changed for ages, but this is definitely an evolving landscape: [attachmentid=9075]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ichabod @ Jun 21 2007, 04:57 AM) [snapback]465381[/snapback]</div> Fernandina Island, Galapagos Islands This may be a borderline submission...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fjef @ Jun 20 2007, 05:08 PM) [snapback]465453[/snapback]</div> Interesting....kinda looks like an old fort (path going under a wall), central flag/memorial/monument. But with the parking area it has to be a visitor's site now? Thought maybe the original Jamestown settlement, but I can't find it in a quick googlemaps search...and the ocean is on the wrong side....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fjef @ Jun 20 2007, 05:08 PM) [snapback]465453[/snapback]</div> Old Fort Niagara in New York http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&...&iwloc=addr New image in a bit...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DeltaHotel @ Jun 20 2007, 05:41 PM) [snapback]465469[/snapback]</div> http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&...p;z=18&om=1 LAX Airport Heres the latest.[attachmentid=9079]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fjef @ Jun 20 2007, 06:08 PM) [snapback]465453[/snapback]</div> Ewww... I hadn't checked that on google maps and seeing your link I realized it looks really different than google earth. Sorry, but I guess you still got it so it's all good
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mojo @ Jun 20 2007, 06:29 PM) [snapback]465491[/snapback]</div> [attachmentid=9081] Just checked to make sure the newest was even on Google Maps.It is,but its very tough to find .