I had a startling experience this weekend. I was sitting at a red light for a couple of minutes. When it turned green I accelerated through the intersection, harder than usual. I didn't floor it, but it was a very brisk start. Halfway down the next block I let off the accelerator, but the car continued to accelerate! I tapped the break once, which is my reflex for disabling the cruise control when I feel the car surging away from me. But this time the cruise control wasn't on -- and the car kept accelerating afterward! My heart skipped a beat when I realized what was happening and I stepped back onto the break harder. The car relented and slowed down, and everything was fine again. The whole thing lasted only a couple of seconds, but it was such an unfamiliar feeling that I was acutely aware of it. Anyone else ever felt anything like this? I'm not officially alarmed yet, but I am going to mention it when I take it in for my 5K mile service.
Hello Lungcookie, A member of the CanadianYyahoo Prius group reported a similar problem, except that his acceleration took longer to go away. It sounded really scary, as it happened on a busy street during rush hour. The problem turned out to be that some kind of ridge or bump on the underside of the gas pedal somehow got stuck in the grooves of his floormat. (I think he had bought an aftermarket mat of some kind). Very scary problem, but once identified it was easy to fix.
Thanks for the reply. I have the WeatherTech Advantage mats. They are very smooth and fit well. I don't think they could have been involved in my case.
that happened to me but that was because of the floormats i had. i got the custom cut all weather ones and i had a generic set under them. that made the edge of the mat higher than normal. once i floored it and the edge of the gas pedal caught the all weather mat and took off. just punching the pedal again popped it loose but it definitely got my blood pumping there for a sec.
I took a closer look at it and I now think that it had to be my floor mat after all. I found that if I slide the mat all the way forward it's possible for the bottom edge of the pedal to catch on it. I had no idea it could get so close! Scary stuff.
im thinking about see if there is a way to secure the edges a bit more. even tossed around the idea of duct tape since the carpet is nearly that color... but i am still looking at other possibilities. also my mat is new still so its still not laying as flat as it can. i took the extra floor mat off that side though. i think that helped. also mine comes with clips to hold the mat in place but i havent investigated that possibility yet. will look at it, but i dont remember that there is anything to clip on to.