I noticed a problem setting up a trip from Columbia SC to Hartford CT, and tried to post in 2004-prius but goofed. Here's a corrected copy: First, please excuse the crummy pictures. My sister gave me her Olympus D-150 that can't take pictures in broad daylight and I couldn't get to take dashboard pictures until I blocked the streetlight with a blanket over the windshield. http://www.mikepaul.com/threeroutes.jpg shows the three routes picked from my parking space at home. Note the Grand Tour route to Hartford via Montreal. 'Quick'? http://www.mikepaul.com/shortroute.jpg shows the details of the Short route. Location-to-destination distance 840 miles, 12:59 to drive it. http://www.mikepaul.com/getgoing.jpg is what I get when I hit the Guide button. Now the location-to-destination distance is 698 miles. So I ask again: does the NAV normally pick an important point somewhere along the route as the 'destination', then maybe show the rest of the route once you get there? Or is there something wrong with the original estimates? I was only guided about 200 miles at best so far, and I'd like to know how well it will work for these longer trips...
Other's may be able to help more, but I believe that 698 number is a waypoint along your route where you either need to change roads, or pick up a toll road or something. What's your main concern?
I *think* I have toll roads ON, but I'll check that. Two concerns: 1) Estimating time and distance, so I can get approval for as many miles as possible. If a plane ticket is a lot cheaper, I'd have to cap my reimbursement at that amount. A 700-mile guesstimate I made earlier in the day was already borderline. A few trips like this may beat on the car, but the money has paid for new tires and stuff for previous cars. 2) Verifying that this 'waypoint' is a consistent thing for long trips. I could end up driving to Mississippi and the same plane-vs-driving stuff would apply...
actually from the looks of it, and if its like my current gps (acura) the 698 is the exact distance from you to your destination (not driving roads) straight arrow (the way the crow flies)... test this theory out, but the pic looks the same as mine and this is how my current one functions...not sure what good it does us, but there ya go don
That is an odd one about the straight-line distance. Too bad they settled on someone else to go to Hartford, or I'd get a chance to see what happened to that figure as I drove along...
This may or may not be part of the problem, but this is my third factory NAV system I've had in cars I've owned and this one does have at least one oddity I keep forgetting about... If you Guide towards a particular destination and for some reason never actually complete the route, any subsequent destinations you enter will route you to the original destination first as a waypoint and then continue on. It took me a bit to figure this out since Suspend Guidance in my other two systems automatically removed the destination from future routing. You may need to pull up the destination list and manually delete an obsolete entry.