i was going to buy these..... until i started looking around.... and i actually think i like either the chico's, acme 1500's or acme 1501's better.... because i like how they fold up into little pouches (of course... the ones above just fold flat and can stay in the "trunk"..... anyone familiar with either of these? i also found the chico's "branded" for sierra nevada for the same price which is kinda cool! (i picked up a really cool reusable wine bag today at the grocery store! holds four bottles and it was only .99!) now i can't wait to go shopping this weekend and use it! lol! also.... anyone who uses reuseable bags ever have issues with the stores using them? or do you just pack your own groceries?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(desertbriez @ Jun 12 2007, 06:08 PM) [snapback]460522[/snapback]</div> I have about 20 of the Chicos - distributed in the cars, bike trailer and wife's purse. They work GREAT. The Acme ones aren't all that different and work similarly well (I bought some of them to compare, and ended up buying more Chicos because the stuff bag worked better. (Thanks for the Sierra Nevada link - I need me some of those!) AS for grocery stores - everybody around here gives us 5c for using reusable bags. They are the norm instead of something foreign. Thanks for being part of the solution! ** Swell. I just ordered two of the Sierra Nevada bags... and a $70 bicycle jersey. Happy now!?
I bought one that looked like the first one @ Kroger with Kroger logo - $1.00 mde by Bring Your Own Bag. I like it and wish I would have bought more, but I don't see them lately. Wholefoods has what looks like the same bag for $2.00 in green. I like that the bottom of the bag has a plastic type removable bottom that keeps it rigid. Good for bottles and such. http://www.bringyourbag.com/index.php I do use plastic bags for my trash.
I was looking for something like these. I'm going to get a couple of the ACME bags to try out. My cats aren't going to be happy that I stop bringing home paper bags for them to play in though.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ Jun 12 2007, 07:48 PM) [snapback]460581[/snapback]</div> oh yes.... VERY happy (hmmmmmm wonder if they give "kickbacks" in the form of beer for recommendations! <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Skwyre7 @ Jun 13 2007, 05:28 AM) [snapback]460758[/snapback]</div> every once in a while you'll have to ask for a single paper bag..... can't abuse the kitties by cutting them off completely!!!! (of course... they make those fake "crinkle" bags but my cats won't play in theirs..... buttheads!!!!!!!
Here in the DC area -- I bought four bags at Harris Teeter. Two are insulated with zipper tops and an insert on the bottom to keep the rectangular shape. The other two are regular canvas tote bags. They cost $3-$4 each. The insulated bags are especially nice. They hold a ton of stuff. I've used them at several different grocery store chains and have had no problems. The four bags are more than enough for my weekly shopping trips (for a single person), especially since I don't use bags for big stuff like six-packs of soda.
I bought 4 Chico bags, and they threw in the 5th one, free. I love the bags! They have a little clip so I can clip it to my purse strap, and they are ripstop nylon, they hold a LOT, and they come in cool colors. I bought all green ones, though. I'd really like tie-dye next time... but, the way these are holding up, I may never get them! Oh, I should mention that the Chico bags help people become self-sufficient, too. They are made by a group in Chico, CA, that is made up of women that would otherwise be on assistance. So, they are helping people help themselves. Bags with a social conscious, not just an environmental one
What do people who use reusable grocery bags use for garbage bags? Specifically, in small garbages like a bathroom or living room wastebasket? I have considered a reusable shopping bag, but then I would end up buying small garbage bags anyway (which is how I reuse grocery bags currently).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nytimez @ Jun 13 2007, 04:37 PM) [snapback]461217[/snapback]</div> Even with reusable bags, I am not perfect. I will occasionally find myself in a store without one of my bags. So, I do still have an adequate supply of icky plastic bags for the bathroom trash, the kitty litter scooping, etc. I just no longer have an extravagant abundance of them! You other option is to wash wastebaskets when they get soiled. All wet trash gets put into biodegradable composting bags, or some other option.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rae Vynn @ Jun 13 2007, 04:33 PM) [snapback]461213[/snapback]</div> well then the chico ones it is!!!!!! i didn't realize that! thanx for letting me know! (i assume they also make something on the sierra nevada branded ones since they are chico bags w/the sierra nevada logo?)
I use string bags. I was going to look into figuring out how to crochet my own, but it isn't really worth the materials and labor. I like the classic short handled string shopping bag but they also come in long handled over the shoulder totes. Ecobags string market bags. I like these because they really stretch and give to the shape of the contents. Something I don't like about the cloth bags for grocery shopping. For travel I like baggallini. They come in three sizes and a lot of bright colors. I like that they fold into their own self-contained little square. When you unzip it and turn it inside out, you have a bad with handles and the little square becomes a pocket of the big bag. baggallini zip out tote bag Baggallini organized travel bagg
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nybiker @ Jun 13 2007, 11:44 AM) [snapback]461010[/snapback]</div> we have several of the insulated bags from sam's club.... we actually take the frozen icees' with us in one then distribute them amongst the other bags to help keep the food cold (sam's is an hour drive AND we're in the desert.... so i feel better with the icees and insulation!) i'm getting ready to place my order for some chico's.... i'm gonna go with them because a couple of you like them better... AND because from their site if i buy 4 i get one free! and..... although hubby won't like it... i'm getting 3 black ones and two PINK ones! lol! i'm thinking i may start using one for bringing my lunch to work (and then the rinsed/but still dirty dishes bach home since it's machine washable!) hmmmmmmmm maybe i need more than 5? apparently they hold more than what the regular plastic ones hold.... so i don't need a bizzilion of them..... edit: ok..... i went for 10 bags but only got one pink and 9 blacks! i know i'll be sorry i didnt get 8 and 2 lol! you don't save all that much on shipping (may .75) so if i feel like i need more down the road after i start using them..... then i'll get more (because i realized i need them not JUST for grocerys... but for other stores like targer, mervyn's, macy*s, etc (ugh.... it's gonna break my heart not to get the macy*s shopping bags.... i love those and reuse them ) i'm really excited about getting them and can't wait to start using them (wish they were going to be here for this weekend's shopping trip... but i do have the reuseable wine bag to tide me over til i get my chico bags!)
For canvas bags, a number of organizations I donate to have given me really nice canvas bags in return; I also picked up some really nice ones in Mexico where everybody uses them to go to the market. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nytimez @ Jun 13 2007, 06:37 PM) [snapback]461217[/snapback]</div> A couple of times a month or so I'll go shopping without my canvas bags just so I can get some plastic bags (for kitty litter, trash can liners, etc.).
my chico bags came today..... they pink is a VERY pretty pink! too bad i only bought one pink one! they are very tiny when in their little storage pouch... they look well made... the bag itself is smaller than i thought it was going to be (i assumed it was bigger than a one time plastic bag when in fact it's about the same size).... however it's well made and i can see where you could get more in ti (the 20 pound rating).... now i can't wait to go shopping and use them.... i think i may need more of them, though.... we'll see... i'll give them a couple of shpping trips, then order more if i need them!
I was hoping mine would come yesterday, but it was a no-show. Maybe today. And just so you all know, I have saved a good 50+ paper bags for the cats. When the cats get bored with them I use them to hold the recycling that won't fit in the bin.
My favorite are the long strapped Whole Foods canvas bags. They're very strong, you can pack 'em in with tons of stuff and then throw them over your shoulder. They're not quite as large as paper grocery bags, but you can fit just as much stuff in as they can bare much more weight. If size is an issue for some of you folks, maybe you want to check these out. They're more expensive than the Trader Joe's bags, but the over the shoulder feature is so nice that they're worth the extra cost to me (not that I really neeeeeed free hands with my new fancy smart key ).
I got my Acme bags yesterday. I haven't put anything in them yet, but my wife was very impressed. I think I should go buy something just to use the bags. I can return whatever I bought later, since I really don't need what I would purchase. I'm no longer making sense.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Skwyre7 @ Jun 20 2007, 04:56 AM) [snapback]465124[/snapback]</div> oh please...... makes PERFECT sense to me! because i wanted to do the same thing (go shopping with my new bags!!!!!!!!! just not so sure about the return part! lol! it would depend on what i bought! (i also LOVE sales because i SAVE so much money buying stuff i wouldn't buy if it wasn't on sale..... see my logic??????????)